Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 165 238 69.3

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
336 231 2 $S < 0 && $S % 60 && 1
339 231 2 $M < 0 && $M % 60 && 1
342 233 0 $H < 0 && $H % 24 && 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
115 39 276 1 $passes == 0 and $options{'TIMEFIRST'}
132 391 77 0 $passes == 0 and $options{'TIMEFIRST'}
139 120 317 0 not defined $tz || defined $tzo || defined $rs and defined $m || defined $H
225 264 0 1 $options{'TIME_REQUIRED'} and not defined $rs
264 1 0 $options{'TIME_REQUIRED'} and not defined $rs and not defined $H
1 0 0 $options{'TIME_REQUIRED'} and not defined $rs and not defined $H and not defined $rd
272 1 1 1 $mon011 + 1 == $m and $day < $d
278 2 0 0 $mon011 + 1 == $m and $day > $d
328 231 4 0 $options{'VALIDATE'} and $S < 0 || $M < 0 || $H < 0 || $S > 59 || $M > 59 || $H > 23
408 0 0 28 defined $offset and $offset =~ s/^([-+])(\d\d):?(\d\d)$//
443 0 0 6 $o < 24 and not $o =~ /^0/
459 39 0 1 $$tz eq 'MET' and $$tr =~ s/^DST$break//x
516 26 0 0 $Time::ParseDate::debug and not defined $$yr
540 44 0 0 $Time::ParseDate::debug and not defined $$yr
565 9 0 0 $Time::ParseDate::debug and not defined $$yr
569 3 25 1 not $uk and $1 > 12
28 1 0 not $uk and $1 > 12 and $4 < 32
582 0 4 0 not $uk and $1 > 12
3 0 0 $uk and $2 > 12
598 0 1 0 not $uk and $1 > 12
646 1 0 0 $Time::ParseDate::debug and not defined $$yr
709 138 6 7 defined $8 and exists $options{'SUBSECOND'}
144 0 7 defined $8 and exists $options{'SUBSECOND'} and $options{'SUBSECOND'}
717 9 2 20 "\U$ampm\E" eq 'PM' and $$hr != 12
120 31 0 $ampm and ("\U$ampm\E" eq 'PM' and $$hr != 12)
718 141 5 5 $$hr == 12 and "\U$ampm\E" eq 'AM'
765 37 1 0 defined $5 and $5 == 0
823 41 17 1 $within > 80 and $within - $yr > 60
827 18 6 35 $within < 30 and $yr - $within > 59
877 2 2 2 $m11 < 0 and $m11 % 12 != 0
895 9 0 0 $d > 28 and $m11 == 1
950 43 0 3 $options{'PREFER_PAST'} and $$tr =~ s/^(?xi)\n\t\t\t(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun|Monday|Tuesday\n\t\t\t\t|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday)\n\t\t\t$break//
40 0 3 $options{'PREFER_FUTURE'} and $$tr =~ s/^(?xi)\n\t\t\t(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun|Monday|Tuesday\n\t\t\t\t|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday)\n\t\t\t$break\n\t\t\t//

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
104 0 4 $tzo || undef
375 30 8 tz_offset($options{'ZONE'}, $secs) || 0
706 12 3 $1 || $5 || $10 || 0
707 136 12 $2 || $6 || 0
708 104 45 $3 || $7 || 0
715 12 120 $4 || $9 || $11 || ''
983 16 0 $1 || ''
984 16 0 $2 || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
115 437 0 381 defined $m or defined $rd
65 0 316 defined $m or defined $rd or defined $y
0 0 316 defined $m or defined $rd or defined $y or $passes == 0 and $options{'TIMEFIRST'}
124 249 0 374 defined $H or defined $rs
139 23 52 317 defined $tz || defined $tzo || defined $rs
190 7 120 defined $m || defined $H
147 155 0 219 defined $H or defined $rs
154 208 0 128 defined $m or defined $rd
46 0 82 defined $m or defined $rd or defined $y
163 155 44 80 defined $M or defined $rd
201 197 0 85 defined $y or defined $m
19 0 66 defined $y or defined $m or defined $rd
203 17 5 0 defined $rs or defined $H
237 7 0 24 defined $H || defined $M || defined $S
18 24 7 defined $rs or not defined $H || defined $M || defined $S
250 28 0 14 $isdst_now == $isdst_then or $options{'GMT'}
272 1 0 3 $mon011 + 1 < $m or $mon011 + 1 == $m and $day < $d
278 1 0 2 $mon011 >= $m or $mon011 + 1 == $m and $day > $d
293 0 0 6 $y < 1000 or $m < 1
0 0 6 $y < 1000 or $m < 1 or $d < 1
0 0 6 $y < 1000 or $m < 1 or $d < 1 or $y > 9999
0 1 5 $y < 1000 or $m < 1 or $d < 1 or $y > 9999 or $m > 12
1 1 4 $y < 1000 or $m < 1 or $d < 1 or $y > 9999 or $m > 12 or $d > $dim
308 14 14 44 defined $rd or defined $rs
328 1 1 2 $S < 0 || $M < 0 || $H < 0 || $S > 59 || $M > 59 || $H > 23
483 1 7 7 $uk or $1 > 12
563 5 0 4 $3 || $4
569 17 0 29 $1 > 31 or not $uk and $1 > 12 and $4 < 32
3 1 25 $1 > 12 or $uk
582 1 0 4 $1 > 31 or not $uk and $1 > 12
1 0 3 $2 > 31 or $uk and $2 > 12
0 0 3 $1 > 12 or $uk
598 7 0 1 $1 > 31 or not $uk and $1 > 12
0 0 1 $1 > 12 or $uk
772 4 1 33 $7 or $$tr =~ /\b(day|mon|month|year)s?\s*ago\b/
844 0 7 6 $units eq 'mon' or $units eq 'month'
876 2 4 7 $m11 > 11 or $m11 < 0
895 4 0 9 $d > 30 or $d > 28 and $m11 == 1
963 2 1 7 $3 or $$tr =~ /\b(sec|second|min|minute|hour)s?\s*ago\b/