Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 40 80.0

line true false branch
130 71 12679 if ($Options{'no_year_munging'}) { }
137 12542 elsif (not $Options{'posix_year'}) { }
134 105 32 if ($year >= 1000) { }
27 8 elsif ($year < 100 and $year >= 0) { }
138 3 24 $year > $Breakpoint ? :
142 12684 66 unless ($Options{'no_range_check'})
143 12 12672 if $month > 11 or $month < 0
148 35 12637 if $month == 1 and _is_leap_year($year + 1900)
151 18 12654 if $mday > $md or $mday < 1
153 12 12642 if $hour > 23 or $hour < 0
155 12 12630 if $min > 59 or $min < 0
157 12 12618 if $sec >= 60 or $sec < 0
163 0 12684 if (abs $days > $MaxDay and not $Options{'no_range_check'})
186 254 45 if $_[0] % 4
187 33 12 if $_[0] % 100
188 8 4 if $_[0] % 400
217 6341 0 unless my $zone_off = $loc_for_ref_t - $ref_t
229 0 0 if (not $dst_off and $ref_t - 3600 - _timegm(localtime $loc_t - 3600) < 0)
240 0 0 if $dst_off > 0
245 0 0 if $s != $_[0] or $m != $_[1] or $h != $_[2]