Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 20 85.0

line true false branch
65 2 19 if @rules != 5
72 17 69 if ($key eq 'month')
75 2 0 exists $month_strs{$month} ? :
79 16 70 if ($key eq 'day_of_week')
82 2 0 exists $dow_strs{$dow} ? :
88 4 82 unless @expand
89 2 80 unless includes(\@expand, $range)
90 13 67 if ($key eq 'day_of_week')
92 7 6 if (any sub { $_ == 7; } , @expand)
112 8 0 if ($self->_contains('minute', $lt[1]) and $self->_contains('hour', $lt[2]) and $self->_contains('day', $lt[3]) || $self->_contains('day_of_week', $lt[6]) and $self->_contains('month', $lt[4] + 1))