Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 127 164 77.4

line true false branch
35 100 2 defined &$sub ? :
47 0 7 if ($s_type eq 'SCALAR') { }
1 6 elsif ($s_type eq 'ARRAY') { }
6 0 elsif ($s_type eq 'HASH') { }
55 0 7 unless $s
61 7 0 defined $var_name ? :
62 1 6 $s_type eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 7 $s_type eq 'SCALAR' ? :
65 0 7 if ($s_type eq 'SCALAR') { }
1 6 elsif ($s_type eq 'ARRAY') { }
6 0 elsif ($s_type eq 'HASH') { }
68 0 1 if @$s_
70 0 6 if %$s_
95 7 45 if (ref $test eq 'Regexp') { }
0 45 elsif (ref $test eq 'CODE') { }
107 78 29 unless $test
108 28 1 if ($tested)
109 19 9 if grep $self->_match($_, $tested), @$test
116 0 66 if $QUIET
122 20 46 if ($op->{'key'} or $op->{'value'})
125 0 20 if ($args{'key'} and $op->{'key'} and $op->{'value'}) { }
6 14 elsif ($args{'key'} and $op->{'key'}) { }
14 0 elsif ($op->{'value'}) { }
126 0 0 unless $key or $value
128 2 4 unless $key
130 6 8 unless $value
137 0 58 unless $self->_matching($self->{'options'}{'debug_value'}, $value)
139 0 58 unless grep((lc $class eq lc $_), @{$$op{'use'};})
143 56 2 if (defined $self->{'options'}{'pkg'}) { }
158 0 124 if (not $c) { }
58 66 elsif (not $c =~ /^Tie::Trace/) { }
166 0 58 ref $caller ? :
170 0 58 unless $f and $l
177 58 0 @line == 1 ? :
183 35 1 if ($s_type eq 'HASH') { }
1 0 elsif ($s_type eq 'ARRAY') { }
189 26 10 unless ref $p and $p = $p->parent
191 26 32 @msg > 0 ? :
194 0 58 unless defined $value
195 2 56 if ($class eq 'Scalar') { }
19 37 elsif ($class eq 'Array') { }
37 0 elsif ($class eq 'Hash') { }
198 4 15 if (not defined $args->{'point'}) { }
205 21 16 !$self->{'options'}{'pkg'} || @msg ? :
212 0 58 if (ref $debug eq 'CODE') { }
43 15 elsif (lc $debug eq 'dumper') { }
216 8 35 if (defined $filter)
226 30 1 unless exists $arg{$_}
229 9 22 if ($class =~ /^Tie::Trace$/)
236 22 9 if (defined $parent and $parent) { }
240 9 0 unless ($options->{'use'})
243 5 4 unless (defined $options->{'r'})
254 20 11 if exists $arg{'__key'}
255 2 29 if exists $arg{'__point'}
262 7 153 unless $self->{'options'}{'r'}
269 153 0 if (defined $ref)
271 22 418 if ($ref eq $test{$i}) { }
2 455 elsif (defined $structure and $structure =~ /=$test{$i}/) { }
275 0 2 $i == 2 ? :
0 2 $i == 1 ? :
276 0 2 $tied ? :
282 151 2 unless ($class or $tied)
283 6 145 if (($type & 25) == 1) { }
5 140 elsif (($type & 26) == 2) { }
11 129 elsif (($type & 28) == 4) { }
319 43 9 unless $Tie::Trace::QUIET
331 1 1 defined $deleted ? :
2 0 unless $Tie::Trace::QUIET
351 9 23 unless $Tie::Trace::QUIET
363 0 1 defined $deleted ? :
1 0 unless $Tie::Trace::QUIET
370 9 0 @_ ? :
374 8 1 if ($caller_pkg eq 'Tie::Trace::Array')
378 0 9 if $off < 0
379 9 0 @_ ? :
381 2 6 $off < $to ? :
1 8 $off eq $to ? :
382 4 5 $func && $func ne 'STORESIZE' ? :
383 9 0 unless $Tie::Trace::QUIET
385 5 4 if (@_)
392 6 3 if (@_ != $len)
453 2 6 unless $Tie::Trace::QUIET