Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 24 50.0

line true false branch
40 0 1 @_ % 2 ? :
52 1 0 if ref $$self{'args'} eq 'HASH' and defined $$self{'args'}{'timeout'}
66 1 2 unless defined $url and length $url
67 0 2 if exists $$self{'seen'}{$url}
68 1 1 if _isTinyURL($url)
82 0 0 if (defined $url and exists $$self{'seen'}{$url})
94 0 0 unless defined $url and exists $$self{'seen'}{$url}
118 1 0 if ($url)
137 1 0 if ($response->is_success)
138 0 1 if ($response->content =~ m[]x) { }
154 9 0 unless $Tie::TinyURL::DEBUG
159 2 0 unless $Tie::TinyURL::DEBUG