Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 174 0.0

line true false branch
34 0 0 unless ref $client
37 0 0 unless not exists $args{'databases'} or ref $args{'databases'} eq 'ARRAY'
51 0 0 if $floor
53 0 0 if keys %args
66 0 0 unless $client->{'verbose'}
76 0 0 if ($ref->{'driver'}) { }
78 0 0 if (my $getter = $ref->{'driver'}->get_dbh) { }
90 0 0 unless $ref->{$_}
103 0 0 if ($cache_duration and $client->{'cached_drivers'}{$hashdsn}{'create_ts'} and $client->{'cached_drivers'}{$hashdsn}{'create_ts'} + $cache_duration > $t) { }
111 0 0 unless my $db = $client->{'databases'}{$hashdsn}
114 0 0 if ($db->{'driver'}) { }
124 0 0 if exists $db->{'prefix'}
126 0 0 if ($cache_duration)
147 0 0 if ($client->{'dead_dsns'}{$hashdsn})
148 0 0 if ($client->{'retry_at'}{$hashdsn} < time) { }
166 0 0 unless my $job = $driver->lookup('TheSchwartz::Job', $handle->jobid)
183 0 0 if exists $arg->{'run_after'}
186 0 0 if exists $arg->{'grabbed_until'}
189 0 0 if exists $arg->{'jobid'}
191 0 0 unless exists $arg->{'funcname'}
193 0 0 unless defined $arg->{'want_handle'}
197 0 0 if ($arg->{'coalesce'})
202 0 0 if ($client->prioritize) { }
212 0 0 if ($client->floor)
219 0 0 if $client->is_database_dead($hashdsn)
221 0 0 if (ref $arg->{'funcname'}) { }
231 0 0 if ($arg->{'want_handle'}) { }
269 0 0 if $client->is_database_dead($hashdsn)
275 0 0 if ($client->prioritize) { }
302 0 0 if ($client->floor)
311 0 0 if ($@)
312 0 0 unless ({1 => 1}->{$driver->last_error or 0})
318 0 0 if $job
328 0 0 if ($client->prioritize) { }
340 0 0 if $client->is_database_dead($hashdsn)
361 0 0 if ($client->floor)
370 0 0 if ($@)
371 0 0 unless ({1 => 1}->{$driver->last_error or 0})
381 0 0 if $job
391 0 0 if $driver->dbd->isa('Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::DBD::Oracle')
416 0 0 unless my $server_time = $client->get_server_time($driver)
427 0 0 if ($driver->update($job, {'grabbed_until', ['-and', {'op', '=', 'value', $old_grabbed_until}, \" <= $unixtime"]}) < 1)
436 0 0 if $T_LOST_RACE
479 0 0 if ($@) { }
0 0 elsif ($job->jobid) { }
480 0 0 unless ({1 => 1}->{$driver->last_error or 0})
509 0 0 if $client->is_database_dead($hashdsn)
515 0 0 if ($h) { }
524 0 0 if eval { do { $driver->commit } }
529 0 0 wantarray ? :
535 0 0 if (ref $_[0] eq 'TheSchwartz::Job')
538 0 0 unless (ref $job eq 'TheSchwartz::Job')
546 0 0 if $client->is_database_dead($hashdsn)
553 0 0 if $handle
590 0 0 if (not @{$client->{'current_abilities'};})
598 0 0 unless my $job = $client->lookup_job($hstr)
606 0 0 unless my $job = $client->lookup_job($hstr)
613 0 0 if $current_time < $job->grabbed_until
616 0 0 unless $job = $client->_grab_a_job($hashdsn, $job)
627 0 0 unless $client->work_once
634 0 0 unless $client->work_once
650 0 0 if (not $job || $client->{'strict_remove_ability'} and @{$client->{'current_abilities'};} < @{$client->{'all_abilities'};})
658 0 0 $job ? :
659 0 0 if ($job) { }
660 0 0 $job->priority ? :
669 0 0 unless $job
676 0 0 unless $client->{'strict_remove_ability'}
696 0 0 unless (exists $cache->{'funcname2id'}{$funcname})
707 0 0 unless (exists $client->{'funcmap_cache'}{$hashdsn})
730 0 0 if ($logger and ref $logger ne 'CODE')
750 0 0 unless $dir
753 0 0 if ($dir eq '1' or $dir eq 'on')
758 0 0 if -e $dir
763 0 0 unless (-e $dir)
764 0 0 unless mkdir $dir, 493
776 0 0 unless $scoreboard
780 0 0 unless $job
784 0 0 unless open my $SB, '>', $scoreboard
805 0 0 if (ref $args) { }
806 0 0 if (ref $args eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $args eq 'ARRAY') { }
826 0 0 unless $scoreboard
830 0 0 unless open my $SB, '>>', $scoreboard
843 0 0 unless $scoreboard
865 0 0 unless $client->prioritize
905 0 0 if (ref $arg and $arg->isa('TheSchwartz'))