Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 50 84.0

line true false branch
28 5 0 wantarray ? :
33 6 12 if (ref $schema eq 'HASH')
36 18 0 if (&blessed($schema) and $schema->can('match')) { }
37 7 11 if ($schema->match($value)) { }
40 5 6 if ($schema->error)
107 1 12 unless ref $value eq 'HASH'
114 3 8 $ThaiSchema::_NAME ? :
115 5 6 unless (ThaiSchema::_match_schema($value->{$key}, $schema->{$key}))
120 1 11 if (%rest_keys and not $ThaiSchema::ALLOW_EXTRA)
142 1 3 unless ref $value eq 'ARRAY'
144 2 1 if (defined $schema)
148 2 0 unless ThaiSchema::_match_schema($elem, $schema)
163 0 0 unless defined $value
188 0 12 unless defined $value
189 4 8 if ($ThaiSchema::STRICT) { }
192 2 2 if $flags & 12288 and not $flags & 16384
205 1 15 unless defined $value
206 5 10 if ($ThaiSchema::STRICT) { }
209 2 1 if $flags & 12288 and int $value == $value and not $flags & 16384
225 0 10 unless defined $value
226 5 5 if ($ThaiSchema::STRICT) { }
229 2 3 if $flags & 12288 and not $flags & 16384
243 0 6 unless defined $value
244 2 4 if &JSON::is_bool($value)
245 2 1 if ref $value eq 'SCALAR' and $$value eq 1 || $$value eq 0