Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 83 98 84.6

line true false branch
501 1 52 if (@o % 2)
504 0 1 if (ref $src) { }
1 0 elsif ($src =~ /[\r\n]/) { }
525 2 51 if (not @given_srcs) { }
0 51 elsif (@given_srcs > 1) { }
535 47 4 defined $o{'shape'} ? :
538 1 50 unless ($shaper)
545 1 49 if (defined $o{'col_grep'} and ref $o{'col_grep'} ne 'CODE')
550 1 48 if (defined $o{'row_grep'} and ref $o{'row_grep'} ne 'CODE')
587 6 8 if (defined $$o{'row_grep'})
589 4 2 unless $$o{'row_grep'}($line)
593 3 7 if (defined $$o{'col_grep'})
595 1 2 unless ($col_grep)
607 0 7 unless ($csv->eof)
627 2 7 if $csv->eof
629 0 7 unless (defined $headers)
638 1 6 if (defined $$o{'col_grep'})
651 2 5 if (defined $$o{'row_grep'})
653 1 1 unless $$o{'row_grep'}(\%line)
657 2 4 if (defined $$o{'col_grep'})
666 0 7 unless ($csv->eof)
686 1 5 if $csv->eof
688 0 5 unless (defined $headers)
697 1 4 if (defined $$o{'col_grep'}) { }
714 2 4 if (defined $$o{'row_grep'})
716 1 1 unless $$o{'row_grep'}(\%line)
720 2 3 if (defined $$o{'col_grep'})
732 0 5 unless ($csv->eof)
863 1 24 if $csv->eof
865 0 24 unless (defined $headers)
874 1 23 if (defined $$o{'col_grep'})
881 0 24 if (ref $$o{'key'}) { }
23 1 elsif (defined $$o{'key'}) { }
890 0 23 unless ($csv->parse($$o{'key'}))
914 80 51 unless $handler
916 14 37 if (ref $handler eq 'HASH')
921 4 47 unless $handler
923 44 3 unless (ref $handler)
926 2 42 unless (exists $named_handlers{$type}{$handler})
935 1 44 if $storage_handlers{$header}
955 2 53 if (defined $$o{'row_grep'})
957 1 1 unless $$o{'row_grep'}(\%line)
980 2 52 if (defined $$o{'col_grep'})
994 47 26 if ($on_store or $on_collide and exists $$leaf{$key})
1017 0 19 unless ($csv->eof)
1032 0 48 if ($src_type eq 'handle')
1037 47 1 if ($src_type eq 'string')
1043 1 0 if ($src_type eq 'file')
1045 1 0 unless open my $handle, '<', $src_value