Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 154 20.7

line true false branch
88 0 1 unless @_ == 2 or @_ == 3
90 0 1 unless (ref $self)
94 0 1 unless (defined $vars)
98 0 1 unless (defined $name)
102 0 1 unless (ref $vars eq 'HASH')
119 0 0 unless @_ == 2
121 0 0 unless (ref $self)
125 0 0 unless (defined $name)
135 0 0 defined $_current_st ? :
139 0 0 defined $_current_st ? :
145 0 0 defined $_current_st ? :
151 0 0 defined $_current_st ? :
156 0 0 if (defined $_current_st) { }
172 0 1 unless (defined $name)
215 0 6 if (ref $c ne 'ARRAY')
222 0 6 unless (defined $opnum)
226 5 1 if (defined $line)
229 1 5 if (defined $file)
246 3 3 if ($oparg & 1) { }
252 1 2 if ($oparg & 4) { }
0 2 elsif ($oparg & 2) { }
258 0 0 if ($oparg & 16)
261 0 0 if ($abs_addr >= $len)
277 0 3 if (defined $arg)
284 0 6 if ($opnum == $Text::Xslate::PP::OPS{'macro_begin'}) { }
0 6 elsif ($opnum == $Text::Xslate::PP::OPS{'macro_nargs'}) { }
0 6 elsif ($opnum == $Text::Xslate::PP::OPS{'macro_outer'}) { }
0 6 elsif ($opnum == $Text::Xslate::PP::OPS{'depend'}) { }
286 0 0 if (not exists $st->symbol->{$name}) { }
300 0 0 if ($macro)
305 0 0 if ($macro)
331 1 0 if (defined $str)
332 0 1 ref $str eq 'Text::Xslate::Type::Raw' ? :
341 0 0 ref $str eq 'Text::Xslate::Type::Raw' ? :
347 0 0 if ref $s eq 'Text::Xslate::Type::Raw' or not defined $s
358 0 0 unless defined $s
361 0 0 if utf8::is_utf8($s)
379 0 0 if ref $ar eq 'ARRAY'
381 0 0 if (defined $ar)
382 0 0 if (my $x = sv_is_ref($ar, 'ARRAY', '@{}'))
395 0 0 if ref $sv eq $t
397 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($sv) and my $m = overload::Method($sv, $ov))
400 0 0 if ref $sv eq $t
407 0 0 if (defined $x) { }
418 0 0 if (ref $y eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $y eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $y) { }
420 0 0 if (defined $item) { }
421 0 0 if (defined $x and $x eq $item)
426 0 0 unless (defined $x)
446 0 0 if (not defined $lhs) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $rhs) { }
451 0 0 if (ref $lhs eq 'Text::Xslate::Type::Raw') { }
452 0 0 if (ref $rhs eq 'Text::Xslate::Type::Raw') { }
460 0 0 if (ref $rhs eq 'Text::Xslate::Type::Raw') { }
471 0 0 if (not defined $lhs) { }
0 0 elsif (not &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($rhs)) { }
479 0 0 if (ref $lhs eq 'Text::Xslate::Type::Raw') { }
493 0 1 unless (ref $self)
500 0 1 if (ref $ttable ne 'HASH')
507 0 1 if ($retried > 1)
513 0 1 unless (exists $ttable->{$name})
521 0 1 if (ref $tmpl ne 'ARRAY' or not exists $self->{'tmpl_st'}{$name})
529 1 0 unless (defined $cache_mtime)
533 0 0 if ($retried > 0 or tx_all_deps_are_fresh($tmpl, $cache_mtime)) { }
553 0 0 if ref $deppath
556 0 0 if (defined $mtime and $mtime > $cache_mtime)
558 0 0 if ($i != 2 and $main_cache)
559 0 0 unless unlink $main_cache
577 0 1 if ($_depth > 100)
606 0 1 if ($@)
621 0 0 if ($str =~ s/at .+Text.Xslate.PP.+ line \d+\.\n$//)
625 0 0 unless defined $st
634 0 0 if ($file eq '' and exists $engine->{'string_buffer'})
641 0 0 if (not $die) { }
643 0 0 if (my $h = $engine->{'warn_handler'}) { }
652 0 0 if (my $h = $engine->{'die_handler'})