Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 72 72.2

line true false branch
47 24 7 if (utf8::is_utf8($vcard))
81 12 0 if ($args->{'multival'})
84 12 0 if ($args->{'multiparam'})
97 21 169 if (@_ and $_[0] =~ s/^[ \t]//)
103 0 169 if /^\s*$/
105 13 156 if (/^BEGIN:(.*)/i)
111 13 143 if (/^END:(.*)/i)
113 0 13 unless $Current->{'type'} eq lc $1
115 0 13 if $args->{'only_one'} and not @Path
133 18 125 if ($LName =~ s/^(.+)\.(.*?)$/$2/)
144 7 93 unless (defined $PName)
145 0 7 if ($args->{'barekeys'}) { }
158 100 0 if (defined $PValue)
164 70 30 if ($MultiParamMap{$LPName}) { }
172 15 85 if (exists $Params{$LPName}) { }
178 63 80 if keys %Params
182 26 117 if ($MultiFieldMap{$LName}) { }
0 117 elsif ($Encoding and lc $Encoding eq 'b') { }
201 0 12 if @Path
224 0 253 unless ($PropOutputOrder{$a} // 1000) <=> ($PropOutputOrder{$b} // 1000)
242 9 137 if $DoneProps{"$PropVal"}++
247 9 128 if (my $Group = $PropVal->{'group'})
258 0 146 if $_->{'deleted'} or $_->{'name'} eq 'online'
261 0 146 if ($Binary)
263 0 0 unless @$Encoding
270 18 128 $Group ? :
273 0 85 unless (defined $ParamVals)
276 85 0 ref $ParamVals ? :
278 4 110 if $Param eq 'label'
280 6 108 if $PV =~ /\W/
288 0 146 if ($_->{'binary'}) { }
293 0 253 ref $_ ? :
26 120 ref $Value ? :
313 0 146 if (my $ProtoStrip = $_->{'proto_strip'})
344 45 146 @Out ? :
346 0 146 if pos $_ != length $_