Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 40 85.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
40 1424 5 713 not @phrases and defined(my $text = &$input_iter())
53 770 3 692 not @sentences and defined(my $text = &$input_iter())
85 2 3 21 not @extracted and defined(my $phrase = &$phrase_iter())
88 6 0 36 length $phrase >= $len * 2 and $phrase =~ /\A($re) .* ($re)\z/x
94 0 27 45 not $extracted{$x} and $stats{'prefix'}{$x}
27 30 15 not $extracted{$x} and $stats{'prefix'}{$x} and $stats{'suffix'}{$x}
30 7 8 not $extracted{$x} and $stats{'prefix'}{$x} and $stats{'suffix'}{$x} and $stats{'prefix'}{$x} > $threshold
37 6 2 not $extracted{$x} and $stats{'prefix'}{$x} and $stats{'suffix'}{$x} and $stats{'prefix'}{$x} > $threshold and $stats{'suffix'}{$x} > $threshold
139 1 1 9 not @words and defined(my $txt = &$phrase_iter())
153 87 1 0 $threshold <= keys %{$lcontext{$tok};} and $threshold <= keys %{$rcontext{$tok};}
171 88 0 1 $threshold <= keys %{$lcontext{$tok};} and $threshold <= keys %{$rcontext{$tok};}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
71 3 0 $opts->{'threshold'} || 9
72 0 3 $opts->{'lengths'} || [2, 3]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
42 686 997 1427 /\A\s+\z/ || /\p{General_Category=Punctuation}/