Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 78 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
225 0 0 0 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY'
276 0 0 0 $rel->nonlocal and not $reltype->is_generalizable
670 0 0 0 exists $options->{'scope'} and $options->{'scope'} ne 'local'
681 0 0 0 $otherrel and $otherrel->type eq $options->{'type'}
0 0 0 $otherrel and $otherrel->type eq $options->{'type'} and $otherrel->scope eq $options->{'scope'}
708 0 0 0 $rel and $rel ne $relationship
715 0 0 0 $rel->type eq $relationship->type and $r1ann eq $r2ann
727 0 0 0 $relationship->colocated and $relationship->nonlocal
0 0 0 $relationship->colocated and $relationship->nonlocal and not $thispaironly
766 0 0 0 $exists and not $etype->is_weak
846 0 0 0 $rel->nonlocal and $allscope
1046 0 0 0 not exists $thislevel{$_} and $self->get_relationship($r, $_)
1097 0 0 0 $crt->is_transitive and $crt->is_colocation == $colo
1123 0 0 0 $nrtype ne $extype->name and $self->type($nrtype)->bindlevel <= $extype->bindlevel
1176 0 0 0 $bt->is_weak and not $at->is_weak
1177 0 0 0 $at->is_weak and not $bt->is_weak
1218 0 0 0 @$nodelist == 1 and $nodelist->[0] eq $node
1288 0 0 0 $self->_is_disconnected and $self->collation->tradition->_initialized
1434 0 0 0 $self->_is_disconnected and $self->collation->tradition->_initialized
1493 0 0 0 $relobj and $relobj->colocated
1583 0 0 0 exists $$node_hash{$e->[0]} and exists $$node_hash{$e->[1]}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
643 0 0 0 $sourceobj->is_meta or $targetobj->is_meta
882 0 0 0 $rel eq 'transposition' or $rel eq 'repetition'
906 0 0 0 $rel eq 'collated' or $sourcerank == $targetrank
1067 0 0 0 $existing->type eq $relobj->type or $extype->bindlevel <= $reltype->bindlevel
1262 0 0 0 scalar $self->equivalence_graph->predecessorless_vertices > 1 || scalar $self->equivalence_graph->successorless_vertices > 1