Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 138 0.0

line true false branch
96 0 0 unless (ref $content eq 'ARRAY')
114 0 0 if @_
133 0 0 unless @{$content;}
137 0 0 if (not length $line) { }
138 0 0 unless defined $$buffer[$index]{'type'}
139 0 0 if (not $$buffer[$index]{'type'} =~ /(_pre|%)/) { }
140 0 0 if (@{$$buffer[$index]{'buffer'};})
147 0 0 if ($symbol =~ /^[\s\t]/) { }
152 0 0 if (@pre_tail)
153 0 0 if ($symbol eq '!' and substr($line, 1, 2) =~ /^[1-6]?[\s\t]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($symbol eq '-') { }
0 0 elsif ($symbol eq '|') { }
0 0 elsif ($symbol =~ /[:;]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$tiki{'__macro_processing'} and $symbol eq '%' and $line =~ /^${macro}[\s\t]*$/) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $block_handlers{$symbol} and $symbol =~ /[#*]/ && substr($line, 1, 1) =~ /[#*\s\t]/ || length $line == 1 || substr($line, 1, 1) =~ /^[$symbol\s\t]/) { }
156 0 0 $1 ? :
158 0 0 if ($line =~ /^----/) { }
175 0 0 unless defined $$buffer[$index]{'type'}
180 0 0 if ($$buffer[$index]{'type'} eq '_macro')
182 0 0 unless $$buffer[-1]{'type'}
186 0 0 if (not $$tiki{'__block_format_depth'} - 1 and $$tiki{'__macro_processing'})
190 0 0 $out ? :
200 0 0 if ($$tiki{'__inline_format_depth'} == 1 and $symbol eq '%' and $$tiki{'__macro_processing'})
203 0 0 if ($$in =~ s/^($macro)// and $1)
208 0 0 if (defined $inline_handlers{$symbol} and !length($out) || substr($out, length($out) - 1) =~ /$inline_start_boundry/)
211 0 0 if (defined $start_tag)
218 0 0 defined $$in ? :
219 0 0 unless ($$tiki{'__inline_format_depth'} - 1)
221 0 0 if $$tiki{'__wiki_implicit_links'}
222 0 0 if $$tiki{'__interwiki_links'}
225 0 0 if ($$tiki{'__macro_processing'})
278 0 0 unless (defined $hdlr_types{$type})
296 0 0 if ref $in eq 'ARRAY'
299 0 0 if (defined $$tiki{'__macro_handlers'}{$name} and $$tiki{'__macro_handlers'}{$name}{'type'} eq $type)
303 0 0 $type =~ /^block/ ? :
350 0 0 if ($1 eq ':') { }
370 0 0 if ($$tiki{'__heading_names'}{$id})
388 0 0 if (not $line =~ s/^([*#])([\s\t]|(?=[*#]))//) { }
391 0 0 unless ($symbol eq $$buffer[$index]{'type'})
399 0 0 if ($$buffer{'type'} eq '_li') { }
401 0 0 $started ? :
405 0 0 $$buffer{'type'} eq '*' ? :
418 0 0 if $line =~ s/^\|!/|/
423 0 0 if $1
424 0 0 if ($cell)
425 0 0 if (not $cell) { }
427 0 0 defined $is_heading ? :
0 0 defined $alignment ? :
0 0 $colspan > 1 ? :
432 0 0 defined $is_heading ? :
447 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\*(.+?)\*$term// ? :
448 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s[^/(.+?)/$term][] ? :
449 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\+(.+?)\+$term// ? :
450 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\-(.+?)\b\-$term// ? :
451 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\~(.+?)\~$term// ? :
452 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\^(.+?)\^$term// ? :
453 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\"(.+?)\"$term// ? :
454 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\%(.+?)\%$term// ? :
455 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\@(.+?)\@$term// ? :
457 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\[([^\]]*)\]:(.*?)$term// ? :
458 0 0 ${$_[1];} =~ s/^\{([^\}]*)\}:(.*?)$term// ? :
482 0 0 defined $$attribs{'typographic_processing'} ? :
485 0 0 unless ($t =~ /^
487 0 0 if $tp
506 0 0 if ($len == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($len == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($len == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($len == 1) { }
518 0 0 $hex ? :