line |
!l |
l&&!r |
l&&r |
condition |
0 |
1 |
31 |
$$self{'stack'}[$_] and $$self{'stack'}[$_] =~ /^[ou]l$/ |
36 |
724 |
5 |
$$self{'parse_html'} and $text =~ s/(.*?)//s |
59 |
698 |
3 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($b)-{3,}(\s)/$2/s |
59 |
627 |
71 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($b)(\t+| {3,})(\*|\w)[\.\) ]+([^\n]+)//s |
59 |
566 |
61 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($b)\|([^\n\|]+)(\|+)/|/s |
59 |
552 |
14 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($b)---(\+{1,6})\s*//s |
59 |
510 |
42 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::p)\*($TWiki::SAX::Parser::s)/$2/s |
59 |
484 |
26 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::p)\_($TWiki::SAX::Parser::s)/$2/s |
59 |
480 |
4 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::p)\_\_($TWiki::SAX::Parser::s)/$2/s |
59 |
475 |
5 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::p)\=($TWiki::SAX::Parser::s)/$2/s |
59 |
474 |
1 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::p)\=\=($TWiki::SAX::Parser::s)/$2/s |
59 |
462 |
12 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/(.*)\[\[([^\]]+)\](?:\[([\w\t \-]+)\])?\]//s |
36 |
472 |
13 |
$$self{'parse_html'} and $text =~ s[^([^<]*)(<[^/])][$2] |
23 |
466 |
5 |
$$self{'parse_html'} and $text =~ s[(.*?)][]s |
39 |
437 |
13 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/\|(\n|\Z)//s |
39 |
396 |
41 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::e)\*($TWiki::SAX::Parser::f)/$2/s |
39 |
380 |
16 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::e)\_($TWiki::SAX::Parser::f)/$2/s |
39 |
376 |
4 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::e)\_\_($TWiki::SAX::Parser::f)/$2/s |
39 |
371 |
5 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::e)\=($TWiki::SAX::Parser::f)/$2/s |
39 |
370 |
1 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and $text =~ s/($TWiki::SAX::Parser::e)\=\=([\s\,\.\;\:\!\?\)]|\Z)/$2/s |
23 |
378 |
8 |
$$self{'parse_html'} and $text =~ s[^([^<]*)(
0 |
47 |
14 |
$$self{'in_tr'} and $text =~ s/^\|\n// |
0 |
7 |
7 |
$$self{'in_table'} and not $text =~ /^\|/ |
15 |
50 |
29 |
$$self{'parse_wiki'} and not $closed |