Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 98 128 76.5

line true false branch
33 25 3 unless (scalar @args % 2)
35 1 24 if ($args->{'Functions'})
37 0 1 unless eval "require $functions"
50 52 0 unless ($ref)
61 0 3 unless (ref $self)
74 0 28 unless (ref $self)
89 0 23 unless (ref $self)
101 0 169 if $DEBUG
123 0 166 if $DEBUG
146 0 3 if $DEBUG
155 0 4 if $DEBUG
176 0 2 if $DEBUG
190 1 1 $argstr ? :
192 1 1 $varstr ? :
205 0 2 if $DEBUG
226 0 2 if $DEBUG
243 0 1 if $DEBUG
270 0 1 if $DEBUG
292 0 86 if $DEBUG
294 2 84 if ($val =~ /^\s*$/msx) { }
309 71 169 if ($line =~ /^([ ]+)(\S.*)$/msx)
312 28 43 unless ($self->{'_sass_indent'})
316 70 1 if ($line =~ /^[ ]{$self->{'_sass_indent'}}(\S.*)$/msx) { }
319 92 0 if ($l =~ /^[ ]{$self->{'_sass_indent'}}(.*)$/msx) { }
0 0 elsif (not $l =~ /^\s*$/msx) { }
332 0 70 if $DEBUG
356 0 62 if $DEBUG
357 0 62 if $DEBUG
360 0 61 if $DEBUG
361 0 61 if $DEBUG
365 0 237 if $DEBUG and $line
397 64 2714 if ($char eq '{')
401 64 2714 if ($char eq '}')
403 50 14 if ($indent == 0)
423 57 2008 if ($char eq ';' and $indent == 0) { }
431 12 2053 if ($char eq '{')
435 12 2053 if ($char eq '}')
437 11 1 if ($indent == 0)
462 0 11 if $DEBUG
475 3 47 if ($tokens =~ /^\s*\@mixin\s+(.*)$/msx)
479 0 3 if $DEBUG
490 0 68 unless ($kv)
494 11 57 if ($kv =~ /[{].*[}]/msx)
499 4 53 if ($kv =~ /^\s*\@include\s+(.*?)(?:[(](.*?)[)])?$/msx)
504 1 3 $argstr ? :
507 1 3 $varstr ? :
518 0 4 if $DEBUG
522 1 52 if ($kv =~ /^\s*\@extend\s+(.*?)$/msx)
568 6 99 if ($k =~ /&/msx)
577 0 105 if (not ref $stash_line->{$k}) { }
586 3 158 if ($attr =~ /^[+]/msx)
590 3 158 if ($attr =~ /:$/msx)
606 38 120 if (ref $val)
607 35 3 if ($attr)
610 35 3 $attr ? :
612 1 37 if ($k =~ /,/msx)
616 3 35 if ($attr =~ /,/msx)
633 95 10 unless ($str =~ /[{]\s*[}]/msx)
652 0 7 unless $vars->{$1}
653 11 24 unless $vars->{$1}
673 7 9 unless ($implementor)
681 6 1 if ($end =~ /repeat|left|top|right|bottom/msx)
707 11 146 if (scalar @parts == $BINARY_OP_PARTS)
709 8 3 if (defined $ret)