Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 149 230 64.7

line true false branch
49 0 0 if $Text::Reform::carped{$msg}++
66 0 42 if ($_[2] <= $hylen) { }
75 0 42 if ($ret[0] =~ /\A\s*\Z/) { }
89 0 10 if ($max <= 0) { }
1 9 elsif (defined $except and $_[0] =~ /\A (.{1,$max}) ($except .*)/msx) { }
1 8 elsif (defined $except and $_[0] =~ /\A ($except) (.*)/msx) { }
0 8 elsif ($_[0] =~ /\A (.{1,$max}$hyphen) (.*)/msx) { }
8 0 elsif (length $_[0] > $_[2]) { }
108 0 10 if ($ret[0] =~ /\A\s*\Z/) { }
115 2 3 unless @_
117 2 1 if ($reqlen == $fldlen) { }
126 0 0 unless require 'TeX/'
129 0 0 unless $hyp{$file}
135 0 0 if ($_ < $_[1])
145 0 2880 if $debug
159 23 4 if ($n =~ /^\s*$real_re(.*)$/so) { }
174 0 161 if ($$config{'fill'}) { }
179 25 136 if ($$ref =~ /\S/ and $fmtnum > 2) { }
185 4 23 if ($unconsumed == length $$ref)
188 2 2 if $$config{'numeric'} =~ /\bSkipNaN\b/i and $$ref =~ /\S/
195 4 19 length $formatted > $fmtnum ? :
198 10 13 unless $$config{'numeric'} =~ /\bAllPlaces\b/i or $num =~ /\Q$decimal\E\d\d{$dlen,}$/
201 20 3 if ($unconsumed) { }
203 0 20 if ($unconsumed == length $$ref) { }
216 11 170 if (not $$config{'fill'} and $$ref =~ s/\A[ \t]*\n//)
218 0 170 unless $$ref =~ /\A(\s*)(\S+)(.*)\z/s
221 0 0 $nonnl ? :
0 170 if $$config{'fill'}
222 6 3 $ws ? :
9 161 $$config{'squeeze'} ? :
225 0 170 if $text and $match =~ /\n/
227 90 80 if ($len1 <= $rem) { }
238 55 25 if ($rem - length($lead) > $$config{'minbreak'})
254 6 6 if (not $filled and $rem > 0 and $$ref =~ /\S/ and length $text == 0)
261 2 157 if ($text =~ / / and $_[0] eq 'J' and $$ref =~ /\S/ and $filled != 2) { }
42 115 elsif ($_[0] =~ /\>|\]/) { }
6 109 elsif ($_[0] =~ /\^|\|/) { }
264 2 2 $rem-- > 0 ? :
268 12 30 if $rem > 0
273 2 4 if ($rem > 0)
282 30 79 if $rem > 0
313 0 0 ref $$data{'left'} eq 'CODE' ? :
315 0 0 ref $$data{'centre'} eq 'CODE' ? :
317 0 0 ref $$data{'right'} eq 'CODE' ? :
321 0 0 @l ? :
322 0 0 @c ? :
323 0 0 @r ? :
325 0 0 if ($gap < 0)
327 0 0 if $^W
341 0 24 if (ref $$config{'header'} eq 'HASH') { }
24 0 elsif (ref $$config{'header'} eq 'CODE') { }
349 0 30 ref $header eq 'HASH' ? :
358 0 24 if (ref $$config{'footer'} eq 'HASH') { }
22 2 elsif (ref $$config{'footer'} eq 'CODE') { }
366 0 25 ref $footer eq 'HASH' ? :
375 2 22 unless (ref $$config{'pagefeed'} eq 'CODE')
377 1 23 unless (ref $$config{'break'} eq 'CODE')
379 0 24 if (defined $$config{'pagenum'} and ref $$config{'pagenum'} ne 'SCALAR')
381 0 24 unless (ref $$config{'filler'} eq 'HASH')
389 0 1 if $^W and not $std_config{'_used'}
400 23 33 if (@_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
402 22 1 if (@_ > 1) { }
1 0 elsif (defined wantarray) { }
426 55 0 unless defined $$config{'pagenum'}
438 0 142 if (not defined $next) { }
5 137 elsif ($ref[$nextarg] eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 137 elsif ($ref[$nextarg] eq 'HASH' and $$next{'cols'}) { }
90 47 elsif (not defined eval { do { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $_[$nextarg] = $next; _debug("writeable: [$_[$nextarg]]"); 1 } }) { }
21 26 elsif (not $ref[$nextarg]) { }
1 49 elsif ($ref[$nextarg] ne 'HASH' and $ref[$nextarg] ne 'SCALAR') { }
446 0 0 unless $$next{'from'}
448 0 0 if keys %$next > 2
451 0 0 unless ref $cols eq 'ARRAY'
453 0 0 unless ref $data eq 'ARRAY'
478 2 53 if $header and substr($header, -1, 1) ne "\n"
481 2 53 if $footer and substr($footer, -1, 1) ne "\n"
493 1 59 if (($ref[$startidx] || '') eq 'HASH')
499 59 0 unless (@format_stack)
502 0 59 $$config{'interleave'} ? :
508 59 0 unless @parts and $parts[-1] eq "\n"
518 2 551 if ($part =~ /\A(?:\\.)+/) { }
21 530 elsif ($part =~ /($lfieldmark)/) { }
142 388 elsif ($part =~ /($fieldmark)/ and substr($part, 0, 2) ne '~~') { }
527 20 1 if ($firstline) { }
530 0 20 if ($nextarg > $#_)
533 1 19 if $part =~ /$ljustified/
534 1 19 if $ref[$startidx] eq 'HASH'
549 39 103 if $firstline
550 0 142 if ($nextarg > $#_)
553 4 138 if $part =~ /$bjustified/
554 0 142 if $ref[$startidx] eq 'HASH'
568 153 235 if ($part eq "\n")
571 5 148 if ($$config{'pagelen'} and $linecount >= $$config{'pagelen'})
574 0 5 if $^W and $$config{'pagelen'} and $linecount > $$config{'pagelen'}
579 3 2 if $header and substr($header, -1, 1) ne "\n"
585 3 2 if $footer and substr($footer, -1, 1) ne "\n"
603 1 53 if ($hfcount and $linecount == $hfcount) { }
3 51 elsif ($linecount and $$config{'pagelen'}) { }
616 2 52 if ($prevfooter)
618 2 0 if $lastfooter and substr($lastfooter, -1, 1) ne "\n"
624 0 2 if ($footerdiff > 0 and $text =~ /($tail\Q$prevfooter\E)\Z/m)
629 0 2 if ($footerdiff > 0) { }
632 0 0 if $lastheader and substr($lastheader, -1, 1) ne "\n"
635 0 0 if $lastfooter and substr($lastfooter, -1, 1) ne "\n"
655 5 134 if ($ref[$i] eq 'ARRAY') { }
109 25 elsif (not $ref[$i]) { }
658 109 0 "restoring $i (" . $_[$i] . ') to ' . defined($orig[$i]) ? :
664 0 54 if $$config{'trim'}
665 54 0 unless wantarray
678 0 0 if ($type eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
685 0 0 if (@res)
710 2 5 unless $ldelim
719 2 3 unless substr($tagargs, $i, 1) eq substr($rdelim, $i, 1)
721 3 4 if ($i < -1)