Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 52 78.8

line true false branch
45 0 0 unless grep {$algorithm eq $_;} @AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS
52 9 36 if ($class->can('_predicates') and not grep({$class eq $_;} @PREDICATES_CHECKED))
57 7 2 if ($ok) { }
72 1 18 scalar @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
77 0 19 unless (grep {$algorithm eq $_;} @AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS)
81 13 6 unless (Class::Load::is_class_loaded($class))
83 0 13 unless ($ok)
100 197 2 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
2 0 elsif (scalar @_ > 1) { }
102 197 0 if $self->unidecode
105 21 176 unless defined $string and not $string =~ /^\s*$/
113 1 1 wantarray ? :
123 0 18 unless defined $string1 and not $string1 =~ /^\s*$/
124 7 11 unless defined $string2 and not $string2 =~ /^\s*$/
127 2 9 if $string1 eq $string2
129 9 0 if ($self->unidecode)
134 2 7 if $string1 eq $string2
140 0 7 unless defined $value1 and defined $value2
148 2 1 if $result1 eq $result2
161 0 1091 unless defined $string
162 1 1090 scalar @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
164 235 856 if grep {$string eq $_;} @$list
171 0 6 unless ref $list1 eq 'ARRAY' and ref $list2 eq 'ARRAY'
174 1 7 unless defined $element1
176 1 12 unless defined $element2
177 3 9 if $element1 eq $element2