Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 84 35.7

line true false branch
40 0 2 if ref $class
43 1 1 if defined $parent
46 0 2 ref $pdfs eq 'ARRAY' ? :
76 2 2 if ($isnew) { }
81 3 1 unless (defined $self->{'Parent'})
112 0 1 if ($self->{'Count'}->realise->val <= $$rpnum)
120 0 0 if ($k->{'Type'}->realise->val eq 'Page') { }
0 0 elsif ($res = $k->realise->find_page_recurse($rpnum)) { }
122 0 0 if $$rpnum == 0
151 1 0 unless defined $pnum and $pnum <= $top->{'Count'}->val
152 1 0 if ($pnum == -1) { }
156 0 0 if $pnum < 0
160 0 1 if (defined $ppage->{'Parent'}) { }
167 1 0 if ($pnum == -1) { }
172 0 0 if $ppages->{'Kids'}{' val'}[$pindex] eq $ppage
173 0 0 if $pindex == $ppnum
189 0 1 if (scalar $self->{'Kids'}->elementsof >= 8 and $self->{'Parent'} and $index < 1) { }
193 0 0 if ($ppages)
197 0 0 if $ppages->{'Kids'}{' val'}[$pindex] eq $self
198 0 0 if $pindex == $ppnum
205 1 0 if ($index < 0) { }
252 0 0 if ($pgref->{'Type'}->val =~ /^Pages$/io) { }
270 1 2 if (defined $self->{$prop}) { }
0 2 elsif (defined $self->{'Parent'}) { }
272 1 0 if (ref $self->{$prop} and $self->{$prop}->isa('Text::PDF::Objind')) { }
298 0 1 if $dict ne '' and defined $dict->{'Font'} and defined $dict->{'Font'}{$name}
299 0 1 if (not defined $self->{'Resources'}) { }
301 0 0 $dict ne '' ? :
306 1 0 unless defined $self->{'Resources'}{'Font'}
308 1 0 unless $rdict->{$name}
309 0 1 if (ref $dict ne 'HASH' and $dict->is_obj($pdf))
311 0 1 if (ref $rdict ne 'HASH' and $rdict->is_obj($pdf))
332 0 1 if ($inh ne '')
337 0 0 if $test and $i == 4
362 0 1 if ($dict ne '' and defined $dict->{'ProcSet'})
366 0 0 if scalar @temp == 0
367 0 0 if defined $self->{'Resources'}
370 1 0 unless (defined $self->{'Resources'})
371 0 1 $dict ne '' ? :
373 1 0 unless defined $self->{'ProcSet'}
383 0 0 if defined $self->{'Parent'}
386 0 0 if defined $parent