Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 38 65.7

line true false branch
27 0 0 if $self->IO_File and $self->IO_File->input_line_number
232 0 26 if (ref $file and $file->isa('IO::File')) { }
237 0 26 unless (defined $self->IO_File)
247 0 26 if ($@)
261 26 0 if ($ffi =~ /(\d{4})/)
276 0 26 unless ($self->currentLine != 7)
296 0 26 unless ($self->currentLine != 7)
305 134 16 if ($expected != 0)
310 0 134 if (@list > $expected)
363 1381 13 if (defined $line)
386 131 691 unless (@$buffer)
387 131 0 if ($self->can('_refillBuffer')) { }
400 0 869 if (@$miss != @$vals)
407 1165 0 if (defined $$vals[$i])
408 32 1133 if ($$miss[$i] eq $$vals[$i])
417 0 869 if (@$scale != @$vals)
422 1133 32 if (defined $$vals[$i])
423 1127 6 if defined $$scale[$i]
438 13 1759 unless defined $_