Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 144 26.3

line true false branch
91 2 2 if ($atts{'corefonts'})
94 0 4 if ($atts{'loader'})
182 8 46 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
184 0 54 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], "HASH")
187 24 12 if ($style and not $weight and $style =~ s/^(heavy|bold|semi(?:bold)?|medium|book|light)//i)
193 0 54 if ($font =~ /\.[ot]tf$/) { }
194 0 0 if ($font =~ m[^/]) { }
195 0 0 if -r -s $font
199 0 0 unless -r -s "$_/$font"
210 0 54 unless $ff
215 54 0 unless $props
234 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
238 0 0 unless (-d -r -x $_)
265 0 8 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
268 0 8 unless exists $fonts{lc $family}
293 2 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
301 2 0 unless $noaliases
309 2 0 unless $noaliases
317 2 0 unless $noaliases
319 2 0 unless $noaliases
351 16 5 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
353 0 21 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], "HASH")
355 0 21 if $debug
358 21 0 if ($fonts{$family} and $fonts{$family}{$style} and $fonts{$family}{$style}{$weight})
367 0 21 if ($ff->{'font'}) { }
21 0 elsif ($ff->{'loader_data'}) { }
387 0 21 if ($debug)
398 21 0 if $res
401 0 0 if (_fallback($family, $style, $weight))
403 0 0 if $res
427 5 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
433 5 0 if $res and $i->{'size'}
452 0 5 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
461 5 0 if $p[-1] =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/
465 5 0 if (not $family) { }
0 0 elsif ($t =~ /$stylep/) { }
0 0 elsif ($t =~ /$weightp/) { }
0 0 elsif ($t eq 'normal') { }
504 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
510 0 0 if (lc($b) =~ /^ ( .*? ) -? (roman?|normal|regular)? (light|book|medium|semi(?:bold)?|bold|heavy)? (italic|ital|oblique|obli)? $/xi)
517 0 0 if $1
518 0 0 if $4
519 0 0 if $3
537 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Text::Layout::FontConfig")
539 0 0 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($loader, "CODE")
548 45 38 if $style =~ /$stylep/
550 0 38 unless $style =~ /^(regular|normal)?$/
561 40 42 if $weight =~ /$weightp/
563 0 42 unless $weight =~ /^(regular|normal)?$/
572 0 0 unless (defined $fallback)
575 0 0 unless -f -x "$_/fc-match"
580 0 0 unless $fallback
583 0 0 if $debug
586 0 0 if $style
587 0 0 if $weight
591 0 0 unless (open my $fd, "-|", $fallback, "-s", "--format=%{file}\\n", $pattern)
596 0 0 unless -f -r $_
597 0 0 unless /\.[ot]tf$/i
603 0 0 if $res
604 0 0 if $debug
641 0 0 unless $f
657 0 0 $style eq 'normal' ? :
0 0 $weight eq 'heavy' ? :
0 0 $weight eq 'semibold' ? :
0 0 $weight eq 'semi' ? :
0 0 $weight eq 'medium' ? :
0 0 $weight eq 'book' ? :
0 0 $weight eq 'light' ? :
0 0 $weight eq 'bold' ? :
0 0 $f->{'shaping'} ? :
0 0 $f->{'interline'} ? :
0 0 $f->{'font'} ? :