Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 39 76.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
131 1 0 40 %params and exists $params{'format'}
140 33 0 0 exists $params{'debug'} && $params{'debug'}
235 38 12 0 defined $cont and $cont ne ''
247 12 22 3 not $multi and exists $$data{$field}
248 22 6 6 $multi and exists $$data{$field}
251 0 6 0 $ret == 0 and $d =~ /\Q$cont\E$/
256 30 16 1 $mandatory and not exists $$data{$field}
46 0 1 $mandatory and not exists $$data{$field} and $ret == 0
263 68 0 1 $ret != 0 and $line eq ''
342 61 12 5 $def{'multi'} && exists $def{'branch_multi'} && $def{'branch_multi'}
404 14 47 0 $multi and $branch_multi || $#re == -1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
347 54 2 22 $def{'mandatory'} or $branch_multi
404 37 5 5 $branch_multi || $#re == -1