Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 82 73.1

line true false branch
23 0 18 if ($options{'echo'})
29 6 12 if (exists $options{'exclude'})
33 2 16 if (exists $options{'include'})
38 9 9 if (exists $options{'lucky'} and $options{'lucky'} == 1) { }
40 0 9 if $echo
43 0 9 if $echo
54 6 12 if (@excluded > 0)
57 0 12 if $echo
61 2 16 if (@included > 0)
63 2 0 if (length $_ == 1)
66 0 2 if $echo
70 0 18 if (keys %survivors == 0)
76 0 18 unless open $csv, '<:crlf', $file_path
83 0 5134 if ($echo)
89 0 10314 if $echo
96 0 10314 if $echo
98 5130 5184 if ($count > 0 and not $lucky) { }
54 5130 elsif ($count == 0) { }
106 2567 2567 unless ($lucky)
107 1524 1043 if $colon_timecol
108 1046 1521 if $comma_decsep
109 9 2558 if $comma_groupsep
115 8 5126 if ($survivors_count == 1) { }
2 5124 elsif ($survivors_count == 0) { }
116 0 8 if ($echo)
121 4 4 if (not $lucky) { }
133 4 4 if ($lucky) { }
134 0 4 if $echo
138 0 4 if $echo
143 0 9 if ($echo)
149 0 4 if $echo
154 1 3 if ($colon_timecol)
155 0 1 if $echo
160 1 3 if ($comma_decsep or $comma_groupsep)
163 0 1 if ($echo and $comma_decsep)
166 0 1 if ($echo and $comma_groupsep)
173 0 4 if ($echo)
253 8 2571 if $kind eq 'timecol' and not $string =~ /$time_rx/
254 8 2563 if $kind eq 'decsep' and not $string =~ /$commadecsep_rx/
255 9 2554 if $kind eq 'groupsep' and not $string =~ /$commagroupsep_rx/
264 0 0 if (ord $candidate == 9) { }