Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 38 42 90.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
52 346 173 13 defined $ret{$k} and $$R_OPT_MAP{$k}
112 35 0 1 defined $$opts{'encoding'} and length $$opts{'encoding'} > 0
115 8 1 1 defined $$opts{'append'} && $$opts{'append'}
127 33 1 4 defined $$opts{'dec'} and $$opts{'dec'} ne '.'
170 24 1 2 defined $$opts{'fill'} and $$opts{'fill'}
182 0 1 10 defined $$opts{'fill'} and $$opts{'fill'}
230 3 0 1 defined $$opts{'hr'} and $$opts{'hr'}
252 26 1 7 $. < $$opts{'skip'} and <$IN>
261 100 1 11 not length $line and $$opts{'blank_lines_skip'}
271 91 8 2 $$opts{'nrow'} >= 0 and $. > $$opts{'nrow'}
279 1 20 6 defined $$opts{'header'} and not $$opts{'header'}
284 23 0 4 defined $$opts{'row_names'} && reftype(\$$opts{'row_names'}) eq 'SCALAR'
307 4 1 1 $$opts{'nrow'} >= 0 and $. > $$opts{'nrow'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
295 5 16 6 $auto_col_row or $$opts{'header'}