Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 66 77.2

line true false branch
12 0 13 if ('Text::CSV'->VERSION < 1.06)
17 13 0 if ($backend =~ /XS/ and $version >= 0.99 or $backend =~ /PP/ and $version >= 1.3) { }
46 3 1 unless %args
48 1 0 if (exists $args{'coder_class'})
63 9 108 if exists $opt->{$attr}
68 12 0 if (my $coder_class = $opt{'coder_class'} || $DefaultCoderClass) { }
76 8 88 if exists $opt{$attr}
91 1 38 if $self->encoding
93 12 27 unless ($self->encoding_out)
99 27 0 if $ret
109 30 12 if ($self->encoding_in) { }
113 12 0 if $self->SUPER::parse(@_)
116 42 0 if ($ret)
117 0 42 if $self->encoding
132 0 8 if $self->encoding
143 10 52 if (my $binds = $self->{'_BOUND_COLUMNS'})
146 20 0 if $self->encoding
151 10 42 unless $cols
154 16 26 if $self->encoding
167 9 39 if (@_ == 2)
171 9 39 unless $enc
173 0 48 unless defined $text
174 0 48 unless $self->SUPER::parse($text)
176 39 9 $enc ? :
183 8 35 if (@_ == 2)
187 0 43 unless defined $array and ref $array eq 'ARRAY'
188 0 43 unless $self->SUPER::combine(@$array)
190 35 8 $enc ? :
202 0 12 if ($@)
214 10 188 if (@_ > 1) { }
51 134 if (@_ > 1) { }
41 74 if (@_ > 1) { }
243 12 12 if @_ == 1