Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 26 80.7

line true false branch
188 1 2 if $_->is_serif
193 1 2 if $_->is_sans
198 1 2 if $_->is_mono
203 0 870 unless $slot and $babel_lang
204 289 581 if ($slot eq "main")
209 2236 39119 if $_->type eq $slot and $_->has_languages
217 19 1014 if ($arg)
218 15 4 if (my $ref = ref $arg) { }
219 15 0 if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
228 0 4 unless open my $fh, "<", $arg
234 0 4 if ($@)
244 51772 0 if ($font->{'name'} and $font->{'type'})
247 143 206941 if (my $file = delete $font->{$type})