Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 57 75.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
321 755 298 74 $room != $width and &_startWideSpacing
1053 66 8 $room != $width and &_startWideSpacing and $room < 2
335 367 458 112 $opt->{'expand'} and s/\A\t//u
369 429 3 0 $w > $room and $room < $width
383 574 11 34 $word_char_re and my($w2) = /\A( (?: $word_char_re \cH ? ) + )/ux
585 0 34 $word_char_re and my($w2) = /\A( (?: $word_char_re \cH ? ) + )/ux and my($lead, $w1) = $folded =~ / \A ## avoid CSI final char making a word ( (?: [^\e]* $csi_re++ ) *+ .*? ) ( (?: $word_char_re \cH ? ) + ) \z /ux
396 0 5 29 $room + $l < $width - $p and $l + vlength($w2) <= $width - $p
406 96 440 83 $_ ne "" and $opt->do_runout
407 60 0 23 $folded =~ / (? (?! $reset_re) $color_re*+ ) (? (?: ($prohibition_re{'end'}) (?: \cH{1,2} \g{-1})* )+ ) \z /pux and ${^PREMATCH} ne ""
60 5 18 $folded =~ / (? (?! $reset_re) $color_re*+ ) (? (?: ($prohibition_re{'end'}) (?: \cH{1,2} \g{-1})* )+ ) \z /pux and ${^PREMATCH} ne "" and (my $w = pwidth($+{'runout'})) <= $opt->{'runout'}
432 20 67 28 $m > 0 and /\A (? $color_re*+) (? $prohibition_re{'head'} ) ( \cH{1,2} \g{runin} )* # multiple strike (? (?: $erase_re* $reset_re+ $erase_re* )? ) /pux
454 596 11 12 $opt->{'padding'} and $room > 0
462 96 504 19 length $_ and my $p = $opt->{'prefix'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
228 1 0 $b // (next)
263 619 0 shift() // ""
277 619 0 $opt->{'boundary'} // ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
230 0 1 0 $s ||= $h
233 1 0 0 $TABSTYLE{$h} || croak("${h}: invalid tabstyle")
1 0 0 $TABSTYLE{$s} || croak("${s}: invalid tabstyle")
521 2 13 0 $opt{'width'} // $obj->{'width'}