Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 103 133 77.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
305 0 9 exists $plan->{'runs'} and (&reftype($plan->{'runs'}) || 'undef') eq "ARRAY" and scalar @{$plan->{'runs'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
63 56 0 1 not $tropts->{'run'} and $tropts->{'plan'}
144 26 29 0 $tropts->{'testsuite_id'} and $tropts->{'testsuite'}
164 39 13 3 scalar @$configz2create and $tropts->{'config_group'}
206 7 12 2 ref $plan eq "HASH" and $plan->{'is_completed'}
12 1 1 ref $plan eq "HASH" and $plan->{'is_completed'} and not $tropts->{'testsuite_id'}
207 7 1 12 $plan and not $plan->{'is_completed'}
212 0 2 10 defined $run and (&reftype($run) || 'undef') eq "HASH"
234 19 12 3 ref $run eq "HASH" and $run->{'is_completed'}
12 2 1 ref $run eq "HASH" and $run->{'is_completed'} and not $tropts->{'testsuite_id'}
235 0 19 14 defined $run and (&reftype($run) || 'undef') eq "HASH"
19 2 12 defined $run and (&reftype($run) || 'undef') eq "HASH" and not $run->{'is_completed'}
245 21 2 30 $tropts->{'testsuite_id'} and not $tropts->{'run_id'}
305 0 0 9 exists $plan->{'runs'} and (&reftype($plan->{'runs'}) || 'undef') eq "ARRAY"
306 0 0 9 defined $run and (&reftype($run) || 'undef') eq "HASH"
321 0 0 20 defined $run and (&reftype($run) || 'undef') eq "HASH"
335 18 0 33 defined $self->{'_iterator'}{'command'} and &reftype($self->{'_iterator'}{'command'}) eq "ARRAY"
355 12 38 1 ref $tropts->{'step_results'} ne "HASH" and $sr_name
394 63 8 16 not $self->{'file'} and $file
449 0 12 0 $self->{'tr_opts'}{'debug'} and not $self->{'tr_opts'}{'step_results'}
563 42 2 1 not $self->tests_run || $self->is_good_plan and $self->{'tr_opts'}{'test_bad_status'}
570 35 2 8 $self->todo_passed and not $self->failed
37 3 5 $self->todo_passed and not $self->failed and $self->is_good_plan
574 42 0 3 $todo_failed and not $self->failed
42 0 3 $todo_failed and not $self->failed and $self->is_good_plan
586 37 0 8 not $self->is_good_plan || $self->{'is_bailout'} and defined $self->tests_run
37 2 6 not $self->is_good_plan || $self->{'is_bailout'} and defined $self->tests_run and defined $self->tests_planned

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
59 16 41 delete $opts->{'configs'} // []
1 56 delete $opts->{'max_tries'} || 1
76 56 0 $tropts->{'apiurl'} // ""
56 0 $tropts->{'user'} // ""
56 0 $tropts->{'pass'} // ""
0 56 $tropts->{'encoding'} // ""
184 55 0 &reftype($config_ids) || 'undef'
212 10 2 &reftype($run) || 'undef'
235 14 19 &reftype($run) || 'undef'
253 9 0 &reftype($tropts->{'sections'}) || 'undef'
283 9 0 &reftype($section_cases) || 'undef'
305 9 0 &reftype($plan->{'runs'}) || 'undef'
306 9 0 &reftype($run) || 'undef'
321 20 0 &reftype($run) || 'undef'
525 1 0 $self->{'tr_opts'}{'result_custom_options'}{$sr_sys_name} //= []
600 1 2 $self->{'tr_opts'}{'result_custom_options'}{$sr_sys_name} //= []
653 44 1 &reftype($tc) || 'undef'
673 43 1 &reftype($cres) || 'undef'
676 43 1 &reftype($cres) || 'undef'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
132 17 38 1 scalar @tbad or not $tropts->{'test_bad_status'}
563 34 8 3 $self->tests_run || $self->is_good_plan
586 36 1 8 $self->is_good_plan || $self->{'is_bailout'}
653 0 1 44 not defined $tc or (&reftype($tc) || 'undef') ne "HASH"
676 0 1 43 not $tc or (&reftype($cres) || 'undef') ne "HASH"