Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 48 79.1

line true false branch
34 0 14 if (-e $homedir . "/.testrailrc")
58 1 13 if ($opts->{'help'})
60 0 13 unless scalar @{$params{'args'};}
72 2 11 if ($opts->{'cachefile'})
74 0 2 if $cf and not -e $cf
77 0 2 unless open my $fh, "<", $cf
86 0 2 if ($str_str ne $str_pat)
91 1 1 if $opts->{'merged'}
94 1 1 if (exists $prior_hash->{$key})
98 0 1 unless $plt
157 0 4336 if ref $casedef->{'config_ids'} eq "ARRAY" and scalar @{$casedef->{'config_ids'};}
162 6636 0 if (defined $result->{'status_id'})
167 1527 5109 if ($result->{'version'})
184 0 6636 if $result->{'defects'} and ref $result->{'defects'} ne "ARRAY"
186 1018 5618 if $result->{'defects'} and ref $result->{'defects'} eq "ARRAY"
227 1 10 if $opts->{'pattern'}
294 2 9 if @$defects
302 5 8 if ($opts->{'json'})
305 3 2 unless $opts->{'perfile'}
307 1 1 unless -d $opts->{'perfile'}
311 0 1 unless open my $fh, ">", "$opts->{'perfile'}/$tn.json"
325 1527 5113 unless $stamp
329 2 5111 $seconds_minutes ? :
2 5111 $seconds_hours ? :