Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 60 83.3

line true false branch
35 0 44 unless $for
38 0 44 unless $code and ref $code eq "CODE"
45 4 3 unless @BUILD
60 20 15 unless @$set
74 1 27 unless @$args
78 1 26 if ref $proto and not &blessed($proto)
80 2 24 if (&blessed($proto))
81 1 1 unless $proto->isa("Test2::Mock")
82 1 0 if $arg1 and ref $arg1 and &reftype($arg1) eq "CODE"
85 10 14 if $proto =~ /(?:::|')/
86 11 3 if $proto =~ /^_*[A-Z]/
88 1 2 if "Test2::Mock"->can($proto)
90 1 1 if (my $sub = "Test2::Tools::Mock"->can("mock_$proto"))
99 1 28 if @_ and not defined $_[0]
104 1 27 unless $sub
113 0 6 unless $control and &blessed($control) and $control->isa("Test2::Mock")
116 0 4 unless $sub and ref $sub and &reftype($sub) eq "CODE"
122 0 4 unless $ok
128 2 5 unless @BUILD
133 2 3 if $meth =~ /^_/ or not $build->can($meth)
142 4 2 if ($proto and ref $proto and &reftype($proto) ne 'CODE') { }
152 1 5 if (@_ == 1 and &reftype($_[0]) eq 'CODE') { }
196 0 6 if $INC{$file}
198 0 6 if keys %$stash
216 1 46 if (@args == 1 and ref $args[0] and &reftype($args[0]) eq 'CODE') { }
224 3 44 if ($parent)
236 20 13 unless $void
241 13 13 if $call[0] eq "Test2::Tools::Mock"
248 13 0 if &$handler("class", $class, "caller", $caller, "builder", $callback, "args", \@args)
256 0 13 unless $handled