Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 48 93.7

line true false branch
17 431 648 if (defined(my $ref = $self->{'inref'})) { }
18 1 430 if $self->{'items'}
19 1 429 if $self->{'order'}
20 1 428 unless &reftype($ref) eq "ARRAY"
31 1 647 if grep {not &looks_like_number($_);} keys %{$$self{"items"};}
35 1 646 if grep {not &looks_like_number($_) || ref $_ && &reftype($_) eq 'CODE';} @{$$self{"order"};}
51 3 1072 unless $params{'exists'}
53 2 1070 unless defined $got
54 5 1065 unless ref $got
55 8 1057 unless &reftype($got) eq "ARRAY"
61 3 1 unless defined $self->{'meta'}
71 17 1686 if ref $idx
85 1 1362 if $top and $idx and $idx <= $top
88 1667 616 defined $top ? :
2283 26 unless defined $idx
98 2 17 unless @_ == 1 and $code and ref $code and &reftype($code) eq "CODE"
121 2 1061 if defined $meta
132 18 3451 if (ref $idx)
137 0 3451 if $state > $idx + 1
147 0 4 $overflow ? :
159 0 3451 unless $state == $idx + 1
164 12 3439 $overflow ? :
188 7 1 if ($self->{'ending'})
196 1 6 $self->{'ending'} eq 'implicit' ? :