Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 108 59.2

line true false branch
42 0 0 unless eval { do { require threads; "threads"->VERSION("1.34"); 1 } }
51 0 0 @STACK ? :
57 1 836 unless $self->{'name'}
72 1 835 if defined $$UUID_VIA
74 836 0 unless ($self->{'hub'})
100 836 0 unless $hub->ast_ids
117 1 712 if $send_to->ended
157 0 60 unless $id
160 0 60 unless defined $self->{'hub'}->ast_ids->{$id}
163 0 60 if $self->{'hub'}->ast_ids->{$id}
166 0 60 if $self->{'hub'}->is_local
175 0 53 if ($self->{'pid'} == $$ and $self->{'tid'} == 0)
180 0 53 unless my $att = $self->{'_attached'}
183 0 53 unless $att->[0] == $$ and $att->[1] == 0
197 113 2681 unless $hub->is_local
208 0 59 unless $code and ref $code eq "CODE"
219 0 40 if (not $ok and $err =~ /Label not found for "last T2_SUBTEST_WRAPPER"/) { }
232 16 40 unless ($finished)
233 0 16 if (my $bailed = $hub->bailed_out)
240 0 16 if $code
243 1 55 unless ($ok)
266 0 484 if $self->{'finished'}
268 477 7 unless defined $self->{'start_stamp'}
284 0 457 unless $self->{'active'}--
286 0 457 unless @STACK and $self == $STACK[-1]
306 0 713 if $self->{'finished'}++
308 0 713 unless $hub->is_local
312 0 713 if $self->{'active'}
315 322 391 unless defined $self->{'stop_stamp'}
335 713 0 unless $hub->no_ending or $hub->ended
338 713 0 if ($hub->ipc)
343 0 713 if $params{'silent'}
348 75 637 if ($skip) { }
352 3 634 if ($collapse and $empty)
357 2 632 if ($collapse and $no_asserts)
370 0 634 $todo ? :
379 5 629 unless ($e->effective_pass)
383 0 2 if $hub->plan and not $hub->check_plan and not grep({$_->causes_fail;} @{$$self{"events"};})
402 243 0 if (my $child = pop @$children) { }
403 0 243 if (&blessed($child)) { }
418 0 713 if $hub->is_local and keys %{$self->{'hub'}->ast_ids;}
422 0 338 unless &CAN_FORK()
427 0 338 unless (defined $pid)
432 280 58 if ($pid)
447 158 22 unless &blessed($f)
457 0 0 unless CAN_REALLY_THREAD()
484 1 0 unless $$ == $pid and 0 == $tid
487 0 0 if (my $ex = $@)
506 1 742 unless $self->{'name'}
508 0 742 if (my $att = $self->{'_attached'})
509 0 0 unless $self->{'hub'}
513 693 49 if $self->{'finished'}
514 49 0 unless $self->{'pid'} == $$
515 0 0 unless $self->{'tid'} == 0