Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 66 0.0

line true false branch
57 0 0 unless my $job_id = $f->{'harness'}{'job_id'}
61 0 0 unless (defined $stamp)
68 0 0 if $self->{'tests'}{$job_id} and $job_try < ($self->{'tests'}{$job_id}{'job_try'} // 0)
72 0 0 if ($f->{'harness_job_launch'})
102 0 0 if ($f->{'harness_job_end'})
108 0 0 if ($f->{'errors'})
111 0 0 unless $msg->{'from_harness'}
112 0 0 unless $msg->{'tag'} // !1
114 0 0 if ($msg->{'details'} =~ /^Planned for ([0-9]+) assertions?, but saw ([0-9]+)/)
117 0 0 if $msg->{'details'} =~ /Test script returned error/
118 0 0 if $msg->{'details'} =~ /Assertion failures were encountered/
119 0 0 if $msg->{'details'} =~ /Subtest failures were encountered/
123 0 0 if ($test_error_messages)
138 0 0 if ($f->{'plan'})
139 0 0 if ($f->{'plan'}{'skip'})
143 0 0 if ($f->{'plan'}{'count'})
150 0 0 if ($f->{'harness_job_exit'})
151 0 0 unless $f->{'harness_job_exit'}{'exit'}
161 0 0 if ($f->{'assert'})
164 0 0 if $f->{'hubs'} and $f->{'hubs'}[0]{'nested'}
168 0 0 defined $test_name ? :
173 0 0 unless $stamp
178 0 0 if ($f->{'amnesty'} and grep {($_->{'tag'} // '') eq 'TODO';} @{$$f{'amnesty'};}) { }
0 0 elsif ($f->{'assert'}{'pass'}) { }
179 0 0 if (not $f->{'assert'}{'pass'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'allow_passing_todos'}) { }
225 0 0 if ($f->{'info'} and $test->{'last_failure'})
227 0 0 unless $line->{'details'}
241 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $self->{'junit_file'}
275 0 0 unless $test->{'last_failure'}
278 0 0 if ($fail->{'test_num'} == $new_test_number)
327 0 0 unless $data and $data =~ /\S/ms