Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 30 83.3

line true false branch
41 0 56 -t STDOUT ? :
77 0 56 unless &GetOptionsFromArray(\@args, ('l|lib', sub { push @libs, 'lib'; } , 'b|blib', sub { push @libs, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch'; } , 'I|include=s@', \@libs, 'R|renderer=s@', \@render, 'L|preload=s@', \@preload, 'c|color=i', \$color, 'h|help', \&App::Yath::help, 'j|jobs=i', \$jobs, 'm|merge', \$merge, 'q|quiet', \$quiet, 'v|verbose', \$verbose, 'x|exclude=s@', \@exclude, 't|timeout=i', \$timeout, 'parser|parser_class=s', \$harness_args{'parser_class'}, 'runner|runner_class=s', \$runner_class, 'S|switch=s@', sub { push @switches, split(/=/, $_[1], 0); } ))
79 2 54 if @preload and @switches
82 52 2 unless $quiet
89 54 0 if $runner_class
90 54 0 if $harness_args{'parser_class'}
96 23 31 @preload ? :
118 110 81 if $_[0] =~ s/^\+//
119 56 135 if $prefix
127 12 50 if not @in and -d 't'
131 4 100 if -f $f
132 100 0 if -d $f
136 58 4 if (@dirs)
141 1080 1144 if -f $_ & /\.t2?$/
148 46 16 if (@$exclude)