Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 86 65.1

line true false branch
35 0 1 unless $type
36 0 1 if $CONVERTERS{$type}
37 0 1 unless $convert and ref $convert eq 'CODE' || $class->can($convert)
49 1 79 if (my $enc = delete $self->{'encoding'})
59 2 1 if (@_)
66 2 0 if ($enc =~ /^utf-?8$/i) { }
88 0 946 $self->{'no_numbers'} ? :
1 945 unless my(@tap) = $self->$converter($e, $self->{'no_numbers'} ? undef : $num)
95 0 945 if $\ or $,
99 0 1165 unless $msg
100 0 1165 unless my $io = $handles->[$hid]
102 3 1162 if $nesting
110 0 79 unless open my $out, '>&', 'STDOUT'
111 0 79 unless open my $err, '>&', 'STDERR'
130 0 227 unless my $converter = $CONVERTERS{ref $e}
132 0 227 if $self->{'no_numbers'}
147 12 996 unless $e->{'pass'}
149 1006 2 if defined $num
150 998 10 if defined $name
151 5 1003 if $in_todo
152 3 1005 if defined $todo and length $todo
167 2 1 unless $e->{'pass'}
169 3 0 if defined $num
170 3 0 if $name
171 1 2 if (defined $todo) { }
177 3 0 if defined $reason and length $reason
208 0 1 if $e->nested
232 3 34 unless $e->buffered
237 9 25 if ($ENV{'HARNESS_IS_VERBOSE'})
249 160 35 if $_->increments_count
269 2 88 if $directive and $directive eq 'NO PLAN'
272 4 84 if $reason
275 5 83 if ($directive)
277 4 1 if defined $reason
286 0 12 if $e->no_display
290 0 12 if (my($max, $directive, $reason) = $e->sets_plan)
292 0 0 if $directive
293 0 0 if defined $reason
297 0 12 if ($e->increments_count) { }
299 0 0 if $e->causes_fail
301 0 0 if defined $num
302 0 0 if $e->summary
307 0 12 $e->causes_fail || $e->diagnostics ? :