Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 53 66 80.3

line true false branch
39 1 68 unless $self->{'trace'}
42 1 67 unless $self->{'hub'}
44 66 1 unless defined $self->{'_depth'}
46 67 0 unless exists $self->{'errno'}
47 67 0 unless exists $self->{'eval_error'}
48 67 0 unless exists $self->{'child_error'}
59 1245 5 unless $_[0]{'_is_canon'} or $_[0]{'_is_spawn'}
60 4 10 if $_[0]{'_aborted'} and ${$_[0]{'_aborted'};}
68 4 6 if ($self->{'eval_error'} eq $@ and $hub->is_local)
89 5 5 if $self->{'_is_spawn'}
95 0 5 if (my $cbk = $self->{'_on_release'})
98 1 4 if (my $hcbk = $hub->{'_context_release'})
112 84 1076 if $self->{'_is_spawn'}
115 1 1075 unless $self->{'_is_canon'}
121 0 1075 unless $CONTEXTS->{$hid} and $CONTEXTS->{$hid} == $self
127 2 1073 if (my $cbk = $self->{'_on_release'})
130 38 1037 if (my $hcbk = $hub->{'_context_release'})
166 1 1 if ($old) { }
174 1 1 unless $ok
175 0 1 unless $rok
186 2 0 if $self->{'_aborted'}
187 2 0 if $self->{'_is_canon'} or $self->{'_is_spawn'}
238 931 15 if $pass
242 11 4 if ($diag and @$diag)
265 23 0 $trace ? :
269 18 5 defined $name ? :
306 3 10 if $self->{'_aborted'} and $directive and $directive =~ /^(SKIP|skip_all)$/
312 1 0 if $self->{'_aborted'}
321 2 1 if ($event =~ /^\+(.*)/) { }
328 1 2 unless ($LOADED{$pkg})
331 1 0 unless $ok
337 0 2 unless $pkg->isa('Test2::Event')