Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 7 78 8.9

line true false branch
104 0 1 if defined $invalid
125 0 2 if HAS($x, 'load') and not ref $$x{'load'}
145 5 0 unless $$x{'groups'}
160 1 0 unless $$x{'groups'}
174 1 0 unless $$x{'_loaded'}
175 1 0 unless $$x{'groups'}
190 0 0 if $$x{'mechanize'}
207 0 0 unless $Test->expected_tests
223 0 0 if ($$group{'SKIP'})
246 0 0 $$group{'parameters'} ? :
249 0 0 if (uc $method eq 'GET') { }
0 0 elsif (uc $method eq 'POST') { }
258 0 0 if $$x{'after_response'}
281 0 0 if ($$test{'sub'})
300 0 2 unless HAS($x, 'load') and 'ARRAY' eq ref $$x{'load'}
303 0 0 if $$x{'_loaded'}{$file}++
306 0 0 if $@ or not @docs
327 0 0 if (not ref $doc) { }
0 0 elsif ('HASH' eq ref $doc) { }
0 0 elsif ('ARRAY' eq ref $doc) { }
420 0 0 if ($_ eq 'actions') { }
0 0 elsif (TRUE(\%config_options, $_) or TRUE(\%config_aliases, $_)) { }
0 0 elsif (TRUE(\%scalar_tests, $_) or TRUE(\%bool_tests, $_) or TRUE(\%kv_tests, $_) or TRUE(\%hash_tests, $_) or TRUE(\%mech_action, $_) or TRUE(\%aliases, $_) or $x->mechanize->can($_)) { }
432 0 0 if TRUE(\%config_aliases, $_) and not HAS($group, $config_aliases{$_})
452 0 0 if $$x{'base'}
476 0 0 if HAS(\%aliases, $$a{'name'})
503 0 0 if (TRUE(\%scalar_tests, $name))
504 0 0 $name =~ /_like$/ ? :
0 0 'ARRAY' eq ref $args ? :
510 0 0 if (TRUE(\%kv_tests, $name))
513 0 0 $name =~ /(?:_|_un)like$/ ? :
523 0 0 if (TRUE(\%hash_tests, $name))
532 0 0 if (TRUE(\%bool_tests, $name))
539 0 0 if (TRUE(\%mech_action, $name))
543 0 0 'HASH' eq ref $args ? :
0 0 'ARRAY' eq ref $args ? :
552 0 0 if $@
576 0 0 if defined $$group{'description'}
579 0 0 if @id