Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 102 63.7

line true false branch
121 40 2 unless _is_perl_module($_)
125 1 1 @_ ? :
132 2 21 if (-d $File::Find::name and $_ eq 'CVS' || $_ eq '.svn' || $File::Find::name =~ m[(?:^|[\\/])blib[\\/]libdoc$] || $File::Find::name =~ m[(?:^|[\\/])blib[\\/]man\d$])
141 21 43 unless -f $File::Find::name and -r _
142 0 43 if $File::Find::name =~ /\.#.+?[\d\.]+$/
174 0 20 unless (-f $file and -r _)
187 20 0 if $ENV{'PATH'}
191 16 4 if $is_script
201 0 20 unless ($ok)
222 0 26 unless (open my $fh, '<', $file)
240 18 239 if /^\s*#/
241 192 47 if /^\s*=.+/ .. /^\s*=(cut|back|end)/
242 0 47 if /^\s*(__END__|__DATA__)/
243 24 23 if $_ =~ /$strict_module_rx/
244 2 21 if (/\buse\s+(5\.\d+)/ and $1 >= 5.012)
247 1 20 if (/\buse\s+v5\.(\d+)/ and $1 >= 12)
372 0 4 if (not $is_script and $is_module and not $CAN_USE_WARNINGS)
378 0 11 unless (open my $fh, '<', $file)
390 6 5 if ($. == 1 and $is_script and $_ =~ /$PERL_PATTERN/)
391 5 1 if (/\s+-\w*[wW]/)
395 0 8 unless $CAN_USE_WARNINGS
396 1 7 if /^\s*#/
397 0 7 if /^\s*=.+/ .. /^\s*=(cut|back|end)/
398 0 7 if /^\s*(__END__|__DATA__)/
399 6 1 if $_ =~ /$warnings_module_rx/
432 17 0 if $TEST_SYNTAX
433 17 0 if $TEST_STRICT
434 3 14 if $TEST_WARNINGS
466 0 0 unless defined $cover_bin
470 0 0 @_ ? :
478 0 0 if $ENV{'PATH'}
479 0 0 if ($IS_WINDOWS and not -d $DEVEL_COVER_DB)
480 0 0 unless mkdir $DEVEL_COVER_DB
484 0 0 if ($?)
502 1 55 if $_[0] =~ /\~$/
503 49 6 unless $_[0] =~ /\.pm$/i
510 1 73 if $file =~ /\~$/
511 15 58 if $file =~ /\.pl$/i
512 24 34 if $file =~ /\.t$/
513 0 34 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
515 0 34 if defined $first and $first =~ /$PERL_PATTERN/
525 0 16 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
527 14 2 unless $first =~ /^#!.*\bperl.*\s-\w*([Tt]+)/
541 0 2 unless -e $candidate and -f _ and -r _
549 0 1 if defined $COVER
551 0 1 $IS_WINDOWS ? :
555 0 12 if ($IS_WINDOWS) { }
556 0 0 unless -f $path_cover and -r _
559 12 0 unless -x $path_cover
568 0 2 unless ($Test->has_plan)
577 0 60 wantarray ? :