Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 94 94 100.0

line true false branch
49 78 1372 if ($delta) { }
66 4 430 if ($delta) { }
163 1 4 unless my $build = get_build()
165 1 3 unless $build->can('add_filter')
168 1 2 if defined wantarray
175 1 138 unless my $build = get_build()
177 1 137 unless $build->can('ending')
180 1 136 if defined wantarray
188 1 1073 unless my $build = get_build()
190 1 1072 unless $build->can('add_call')
193 1 1071 if defined wantarray
209 1 216 unless my $build = get_build()
211 1 215 unless $build->can('add_prop')
214 1 214 if defined wantarray
232 1 195 unless my $build = get_build()
234 1 194 unless $build->can('add_item')
237 1 193 if defined wantarray
253 1 79 unless my $build = get_build()
255 1 78 unless $build->can('add_field')
258 1 77 if defined wantarray
275 1 17 unless my $build = get_build()
277 1 16 unless $build->can('add_check')
280 1 15 if defined wantarray
303 7 14 if ($btype eq 'CODE') { }
320 1 300 unless $intype
323 1 299 if ($intype =~ /^\+(.*)$/) { }
331 1 299 if (not $spec) { }
1 298 elsif (not ref $spec) { }
117 181 elsif (&reftype($spec) eq 'CODE') { }
362 5 294 if defined wantarray
364 1 293 unless my $build = get_build()
371 535 8649 unless defined $thing
374 2715 5360 if ($thing and &blessed($thing) and $thing->isa('Test::Stream::Compare'))
375 1048 1667 unless $thing->isa('Test::Stream::Compare::Wildcard')
377 1484 183 unless $newthing->builder
378 1539 128 unless $newthing->_file
379 1539 128 unless $newthing->_lines
385 518 188 $strict ? :
706 5228 if $type eq 'ARRAY'
388 488 128 $strict ? :
616 4612 if $type eq 'HASH'
391 1475 3137 unless ($strict)
392 519 956 if $type eq 'REGEXP'
397 31 925 if $type eq 'CODE'
401 4 4058 if $type eq 'REGEXP'
404 9 4049 if ($type eq 'SCALAR')
409 143 3906 if $type