Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 68 97.0

line true false branch
36 1 2 if $_
37 1 107 if (@unreleased)
52 3 1 @_ > 1 ? :
62 1 884 unless $_[0]{'debug'}
65 1 883 unless $_[0]{'hub'}
67 882 1 unless defined $_[0]{'_depth'}
76 509 3232 if &Internals::SvREFCNT(\%$self) != 2
81 1 3231 if (not $CONTEXTS{$hid} or $self != $CONTEXTS{$hid})
91 2 3229 if (my $cbk = $self->{'_on_release'})
94 32 3199 if (my $hcbk = $hub->{'_context_release'})
105 2 4284 unless $self->{'hub'}
108 4278 6 unless $CONTEXTS{$hid} and $CONTEXTS{$hid} == $self
109 4 2 unless "$@" eq '' . $self->{'_err'}
116 1 1 unless $self->{'_no_destroy_warning'} or $self->{'debug'}->pid != $$ or $self->{'debug'}->tid != 0
129 0 2 if (my $cbk = $self->{'_on_release'})
132 1 1 if (my $hcbk = $self->{'hub'}{'_context_release'})
150 143 63 if ($old) { }
157 1 205 unless $ok
163 1 3745 unless defined wantarray
167 3732 13 $params{'hub'} || @$stack ? :
173 2 3743 unless ($pkg)
174 1 1 unless $params{'fudge'}
182 1 506 if ($current and $params{'on_release'} and $current->{'_depth'} < $depth)
187 506 3238 if $current and $current->{'_depth'} < $depth
190 1 3237 if $current
210 2 3236 $params{'on_release'} ? :
219 35 3203 if (my $hcbk = $hub->{'_context_init'})
223 2 3236 if $params{'on_init'}
315 2783 172 if $pass
339 16 14 if ($directive and $directive =~ /skip/i)
361 2 28 if ($event =~ /^\+(.*)/) { }
368 28 2 unless ($LOADED{$pkg})
371 1 27 unless $ok
377 0 29 unless $pkg->isa('Test::Stream::Event')