Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 62 67.7

line true false branch
71 30 14 if (@_)
82 0 14 if $@
92 15 2 if (@_)
95 16 1 if (exists $_Package_Phase{$class}) { }
123 13 2 if (not defined $class) { }
0 2 elsif (not eval { do { $class->isa('Test::Spec') } }) { }
136 0 15 $ENV{'SPEC'} ? :
0 15 @_ ? :
177 119 0 if (@_ and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE')
181 0 119 unless ($code or $name)
202 0 61 if (ref $code ne 'CODE')
208 35 26 if ($_Current_Context) { }
228 0 3 if (ref $code ne 'CODE')
268 0 2 unless (defined $name)
271 0 2 if (ref $code ne 'CODE')
296 2 61 if ($container->{$name}) { }
305 36 25 if ($_Current_Context) { }
321 0 4 unless (defined $name)
324 0 4 unless ($_Current_Context)
347 0 28 if (ref $code ne 'CODE')
351 0 28 if ($type ne 'each' and $type ne 'all')
364 0 2 if (ref $code ne 'CODE')
368 0 2 if ($type ne 'each' and $type ne 'all')
380 1 4 if ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($filespec)) { }
409 1 14 unless ($contexts and %$contexts)
420 25 237 if (not $_Current_Context) { }
72 165 elsif ($context == $_Current_Context) { }
0 165 elsif ($context->ancestor_of($_Current_Context)) { }
437 152 0 if ($_Current_Context) { }
454 0 26 unless $_Package_Contexts{$class}
455 26 0 wantarray ? :