Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 30 100.0

line true false branch
84 4118 4834 if exists $args{$key}
86 2 744 unless (defined $struct->{'_name'} and length $struct->{'_name'})
89 1 743 if (defined $struct->{'_allow'} and not ref($struct->{'_allow'}) =~ /^(?:ARRAY|Regexp|CODE)$/)
137 330 443 unless defined $self->allow
140 132 311 if @_ == 1
144 112 331 if (/^ARRAY$/)
147 46 285 if (/^Regexp$/)
150 13 272 if (/^CODE$/)
155 1 271 unless (defined $value)
158 27 244 unless defined $allow
174 2083 12591 unless ($self->option =~ /^(=|!|\||$)/)
191 74 557 if ($self->option =~ /!$/)
196 130 32 if (defined $self->allow and ref $self->allow eq "ARRAY" and @{$self->allow;})
203 322 34 defined $_ ? :
210 1 630 unless $self->helptext