Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 20 0.0

line true false branch
66 0 0 unless (-d $self->{'gitdir'} and -d catdir($self->{'gitdir'}, ".git"))
72 0 0 if (my $gitexit = $gitbin->exitcode)
79 0 0 unless chdir $self->{'gitdir'}
92 0 0 unless chdir $cwd
95 0 0 unless (-d $self->{'ddir'} and -d catdir($self->{'ddir'}, ".git"))
102 0 0 if (my $gitexit = $gitbin->exitcode)
108 0 0 unless chdir $self->{'ddir'}
148 0 0 unless $self->{'gitbranchfile'}
149 0 0 unless -f $self->{'gitbranchfile'}
151 0 0 if (open my $fh, "<", $self->{'gitbranchfile'})