Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 196 276 71.0

line true false branch
81 0 69 ref $proto ? :
83 0 69 UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH') ? :
69 0 @_ ? :
91 387 1062 exists $args{$_} ? :
109 0 1157 if @_
131 69 0 if ($key eq "all_defaults")
139 0 0 unless exists $CONFIG{"df_$key"}
141 0 0 if @_
157 16 50 $self->{'outfile'} ? :
50 66 @_ ? :
160 66 50 if ($result_file)
188 0 66 unless defined $nameorref
192 50 16 if (ref $nameorref eq 'SCALAR') { }
0 16 elsif (ref $nameorref eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 16 elsif (ref $nameorref eq 'GLOB') { }
203 16 0 if ($nameorref) { }
206 0 16 unless (defined $self->{'_outfile'})
233 0 66 unless defined $self->{'_outfile'}
243 258 3181 if /^\s*$/
244 133 3048 if /^-+$/
247 572 2476 if (my($status, $time) = /(Started|Stopped) smoke at (\d+)/)
248 286 286 if ($status eq 'Started') { }
283 3 elsif (defined $start) { }
255 220 63 if @new
260 66 2410 if (my($patch) = /^ \s* Smoking\ patch\s* ((?:[0-9a-f]+\s+\S+)|(?:\d+\S*)) /x)
271 3 2407 if (/^Smoking branch (\S+)/)
275 19 2391 if (/^MANIFEST /)
280 229 2162 if (s/^\s*Configuration:\s*//)
284 163 66 if defined $statarg
291 90 139 s/-D(DEBUGGING|usevmsdebug)\s*// ? :
292 90 139 if $debug eq "D"
306 139 90 unless $rpt{'config'}{$cfgarg}++
312 149 2013 if (my($cinfo) = /^Compiler info: (.+)$/)
319 344 12 if (/(?:PERLIO|TSTENV)\s*=\s*([-\w:.]+)/ and !@{$new[-1]{'results'};} || $new[-1]{'results'}[0]{'summary'} ne 'M')
346 2 2011 if (/\b(Files=[0-9]+,\s*Tests=([0-9]+),.*?=\s*([0-9.]+)\s*CPU)/) { }
198 1813 elsif (/\b(u=([0-9.]+)\s+ s=([0-9.]+)\s+ cu=([0-9.]+)\s+ cs=([0-9.]+)\s+ scripts=[0-9]+\s+ tests=([0-9]+))/xi) { }
365 149 1864 if (/^\s*All tests successful/)
371 39 1825 if (/Inconsistent test ?results/)
373 24 15 unless ref $rpt{$cfgarg}{$debug}{$tstenv}{'failed'}
375 24 15 if (not $rpt{$cfgarg}{'summary'}{$debug}{$tstenv} or $rpt{$cfgarg}{'summary'}{$debug}{$tstenv} ne "F")
386 0 0 $_info =~ /^ (\w+) \s+at\ test\s+ (\d+) \s* $/x || $_info =~ /^ (\w+)--(\S.*\S) \s* $/x ? :
0 0 $_info =~ /^ \w+ $/x ? :
410 63 1801 if (/^Finished smoking [\dA-Fa-f]+/)
416 18 1783 if (my($status, $mini) = /^ \s* Unable\ to \ (?=([cbmt]))(?:build|configure|make|test) \ (anything\ but\ mini)?perl/x)
422 12 6 if $mini
424 12 6 $mini ? :
442 18 1159 if (/FAILED/ or /DIED/ or /dubious$/ or /\?\?\?\?\?\?$/)
444 171 453 unless ref $rpt{$cfgarg}{$debug}{$tstenv}{'failed'}
446 612 12 if ($previous_failed ne $_)
447 582 30 unless ($rpt{$cfgarg}{'summary'}{$debug}{$tstenv} and $rpt{$cfgarg}{'summary'}{$debug}{$tstenv} =~ /[XM]/)
455 612 0 m(^ \s* # leading space ((?:\S+[/\\])? # Optional leading path to \S(?:[^.]+|\.t)+) # test file name [. ]+ # ....... ...... (\w.*?) # result \s* $)x ? :
482 132 1027 if (/PASSED/)
484 66 66 unless ref $rpt{$cfgarg}{$debug}{$tstenv}{'passed'}
488 132 0 /^ \s* (\S+?) \.+(?:\s+\.+)* (\w+) \s* $/x ? :
506 310 717 if (@captures = $_ =~ / (?:^|,)\s+ (\d+(?:-\d+)?) /gx)
510 308 2 if (ref $rpt{$cfgarg}{$debug}{$tstenv}{$previous})
517 42 675 if (/^\s+(?:Bad plan)|(?:No plan found)|^\s+(?:Non-zero exit status)/)
518 42 0 if (ref $rpt{$cfgarg}{$debug}{$tstenv}{'failed'})
529 3 63 unless exists $rpt{'statcfg'}{$statarg}
530 66 0 $rpt{'count'} ? :
545 51 15 unless (defined $self->{'is56x'})
549 51 0 if ($self->{'ddir'} and -d $self->{'ddir'})
551 49 2 if ($cfg{'version'} =~ /^\s* ([0-9]+) \. ([0-9]+) \. ([0-9]+) \s*$/x)
602 131 8 $cfg ? :
139 139 if $dbinfo eq "D"
607 12 512 if $tstenv eq "minitest" and not exists $status->{$tstenv}
610 54 458 if ($tstenv =~ /^locale:/)
612 14 40 unless $self->{'_locale_keys'}{$showenv}++
615 110 402 if $self->{'defaultenv'} and $showenv eq "stdio"
620 195 317 if (exists $status2->{$tstenv}{'failed'})
622 62 133 if (exists $failures{$failed} and @{$failures{$failed};} and $failures{$failed}[-1]{'cfg'} eq $cfg) { }
637 66 446 if (exists $status2->{$tstenv}{'passed'})
639 30 36 if (exists $todo_passed{$passed} and @{$todo_passed{$passed};} and $todo_passed{$passed}[-1]{'cfg'} eq $cfg) { }
659 12 500 if ($tstenv eq "minitest")
664 168 110 unless ($self->{'defaultenv'})
665 0 168 unless exists $status->{'perlio'}
669 0 18 unless exists $$status{"locale:$locale"}
674 138 0 /-/ ? :
362 138 /[cmMtFXO]/ ? :
678 53 13 unless defined $self->{'_locale'}
737 0 229 $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
766 0 0 if $self->{'log_file'}
780 121 0 if $self->{'_outfile'}
795 0 1 unless defined $self->{'_outfile'}
800 0 1 unless (open RPT, "> $name")
806 0 1 unless (close RPT)
857 0 0 $^V ? :
869 0 0 $rpt{'summary'} eq 'PASS' ? :
870 0 0 if (my $send_log = $self->{'send_log'})
871 0 0 if ($send_log eq "always" or $send_log eq "on_fail" and $rpt_fail)
878 0 0 if (my $send_out = $self->{'send_out'})
879 0 0 if ($send_out eq "always" or $send_out eq "on_fail" and $rpt_fail)
891 0 0 if (open my $jsn, '>', $jsn_file) { }
912 0 61 unless defined $self->{'_outfile'}
927 44 17 if $self->has_test_failures
929 6 55 if $self->has_mani_failures
931 27 34 if $self->has_todo_passed
938 0 0 if ($self->{'showcfg'} and $self->{'cfg'} and $self->has_test_failures)
960 0 61 if (not $self->{'user_note'} and $self->{'un_file'}) { }
0 61 elsif (not defined $self->{'user_note'}) { }
961 0 0 if (open my $unf, '<', $self->{'un_file'}) { }
983 53 20 unless ($cinfo)
1005 0 62 if @lpatches and $lpatches[0] eq "uncommitted-changes"
1006 0 62 if wantarray
1008 59 3 unless @lpatches
1023 61 0 unless $self->{'harnessonly'}
1026 0 0 unless $self->{'harness3opts'}
1041 2 0 if ($self->{'skip_tests'} and -f $self->{'skip_tests'} and open my $fh, "<", $self->{'skip_tests'})
1045 0 2 if $raw =~ /^# One test name on a line/
1051 0 62 if wantarray
1053 60 2 unless my $skipped = join("\n", @skipped)
1070 62 0 if $^O =~ /^(?:linux|.*bsd.*|darwin)/
1071 62 0 $ccinfo =~ /(gcc|bcc32)/ ? :
1073 61 1 unless ($self->{'_ccmessages_'})
1084 0 62 if wantarray
1085 0 62 unless $self->{'_ccmessages_'}
1107 61 0 if $^O =~ /^(?:linux|.*bsd.*|darwin)/
1108 61 0 $ccinfo =~ /(gcc|bcc32)/ ? :
1110 60 1 unless ($self->{'_nonfatal_'})
1120 0 61 if wantarray
1121 0 61 unless $self->{'_nonfatal_'}
1160 0 63 if ($self->{'_rpt'}{'smokebranch'})
1173 1 62 if ($self->{'un_position'} eq "top")
1194 76 42 $rptl >= 11 ? :
1226 77 32 if (@rpt_sum_stat) { }
1230 32 0 $count->{'o'} == 0 ? :
1242 61 0 if exists $_[0]{'_failures'}
1264 61 0 if exists $_[0]{'_todo_passed'}
1286 61 0 if exists $_[0]{'_mani'}
1309 0 63 unless defined $self->{'defaultenv'}
1312 10 53 if ($self->{'_locale'} and @{$self->{'_locale'};})
1325 22 40 if ($i % $half < $lcnt / 2) { }
1329 20 20 ($i - @{$self->{'_locale'};}) % $half % 2 == 0 ? :
1333 31 31 if $i < $half
1340 11 42 $self->{'defaultenv'} ? :
0 53 $locale ? :
1387 62 0 $^V ? :
1396 62 0 if ($self->{'un_position'} ne "top")