Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 87 106 82.0

line true false branch
49 236 6 if exists $LOADED_FACETS{$facet}
52 0 6 if ('s' eq substr($facet, -1, 1)) { }
63 12 0 unless eval { do { require $file; 1 } }
68 6 0 unless $found
90 1 8 unless my $tracea = $self->trace
91 0 8 unless my $traceb = $event->trace
95 2 6 if ($uuida and $uuidb)
96 1 1 if $uuida eq $uuidb
100 2 4 unless my $siga = $tracea->signature
101 0 4 unless my $sigb = $traceb->signature
103 2 2 if $siga eq $sigb
116 308 0 if ref $am ne 'ARRAY'
131 16 6540 if (my $uuid = $self->uuid)
137 6543 13 if (my $trace = $self->trace)
141 5350 1206 if (my $hubs = $self->hubs)
146 355 6201 if $self->{'amnesty'}
148 984 5572 if (my $meta = $self->meta_facet_data)
160 5816 985 unless my $hash = $self->{$key}
175 25 7 $self->can('callback') == \&Test2::Event::callback ? :
181 3 8 $self->causes_fail ? :
11 21 if $self->increments_count
186 1 31 if $self->subtest_id
188 4 28 if (my(@plan) = $self->sets_plan)
191 4 0 if defined $plan[0]
192 3 1 if defined $plan[2]
194 3 1 if ($plan[1])
195 1 2 if $plan[1] eq 'SKIP'
196 2 1 if $plan[1] eq 'NO PLAN'
199 1 3 if $out->{'plan'}{'skip'}
202 1 30 if ($self->causes_fail and not $out->{'assert'})
215 2 4 if ($do_info and not $self->no_display and $self->diagnostics)
234 0 23 if @errors
240 0 112 unless ($class)
245 34 78 &reftype($val) eq 'ARRAY' ? :
246 34 78 if ($is_list) { }
261 26 3 if @_ and (&reftype($_[0]) || '') eq 'HASH'
264 26 3 if &blessed($class_or_self)
265 0 29 unless $f
273 2 128 if $params{'require_facet_class'} and not $fclass
275 6 124 unless $fclass
278 0 124 unless defined $v
281 40 84 &reftype($v) eq 'ARRAY' ? :
283 4 120 if $is_list and not $got_list
286 4 120 if $got_list and not $is_list
297 1 1 if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTING'}
299 0 2 if (my $hubs = $self->{'hubs'})
300 0 0 if @$hubs
303 0 2 unless my $trace = $self->{'trace'}
311 1 1 if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTING'}
314 0 2 if ($hubs and @$hubs)
315 0 0 unless $hubs->[0]{'nested'}
319 0 2 unless my $trace = $self->{'trace'}
320 1 1 unless $trace->{'nested'}