Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 68 54.4

line true false branch
16 32 0 if (_implements('Scalar::Util', 'set_prototype')) { }
21 0 0 defined $proto ? :
29 0 8 unless $name =~ /::/
59 0 35 if (scalar keys %bad)
64 1 34 if exists $args{'call'} and not in($args{'call'}, ('optional', 'required', 'forbidden'))
78 27 8 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
83 0 34 unless defined wantarray
89 1 33 if $args{'name'} ne $sane
114 1 29 $$weak_self{'deep_copy'} ? :
134 0 0 defined $wantarray ? :
0 0 $wantarray ? :
166 0 65 if $@
176 13 20 if _implements($package, $sub)
177 11 9 if $package->can($sub)
179 1 8 unless ($args{'create'})
191 10 8 if $_ eq $needle
215 31 32 $is_destroy ? :
227 63 0 if ($is_destroy or not defined $meta)
234 0 0 if $$_{'name'} eq $target_sub
238 0 0 if (defined $wrapped) { }
243 0 0 if (_deep_exists($meta, 'methods', $target_sub, 'modifier_table'))
245 0 0 unless $$modifier_table{'before'}
246 0 0 unless $$modifier_table{'around'}{'cache'}
247 0 0 unless $$modifier_table{'after'}
251 0 0 if (scalar grep({scalar @$_;} $before, $around, $after)) { }
281 0 0 $context eq 'list' ? :
292 0 0 unless exists $$hashref{$_}
316 6 4 if $args{'arg_start_index'}
317 2 8 $args{'scalars'} ? :
320 2 8 $args{'scalars'} ? :
343 19 12 if ($$self{'autovivified'})
347 0 19 if $@
351 3 28 if (not $self->was_called and $$self{'call'} eq 'required')
355 1 30 if ($self->was_called and $$self{'call'} eq 'forbidden')