Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 36 97.2

line true false branch
43 5 10 if @_ == 1 and $_[0] eq '-nocheck'
47 1 9 if exists $args->{'git'}
60 6 532 if @args == 1
63 258 280 if ($key =~ /^(?:git|skip)/) { }
2 278 elsif (not exists $check{$key}) { }
64 1 257 if exists $args{$key}
68 1 1 if (@args % 2)
78 284 10 wantarray ? :
86 2 282 if exists $args->{'git'}
95 1 283 if (not $quiet and time - ((stat $lock)[9] || 0) > 60)
98 1 0 unless -e $lock
104 279 5 if (defined $version and Git::Version::Compare::looks_like_git($version)) { }
106 150 122 unless ($check{$spec}->($version, $arg))
120 155 127 if (not $ok)
123 146 9 if ($skip) { }
3 6 elsif (not defined $builder->has_plan) { }
1 5 elsif ($builder->has_plan eq 'no_plan') { }
131 1 2 if ($builder->summary) { }