Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 74 8.1

line true false branch
20 0 1 if (not $sockclass)
28 0 4 if @_ % 2
35 1 6 unless exists $args{$k}
38 1 2 if (ref $args{'host'} eq 'ARRAY' and not scalar @{$args{'host'};})
48 0 0 unless (eval { do { $report->distfile } })
59 0 0 ref $self->{'host'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
65 0 0 if $sock
68 0 0 unless ($sock)
93 0 0 unless $froze
99 0 0 unless my $sent = $sock->send($froze)
310 0 0 if (exists $conf->{'config'}{'version_patchlevel_string'} and not exists $conf->{'config'}{'api_version'})
314 0 0 if $vps =~ s/\b revision \s+ (\S+) //x
317 0 0 if $vps =~ s/\b version \s+ (\S+) //x
319 0 0 if $vps =~ s/\b subversion \s+ (\S+) //x
321 0 0 if $vps =~ s/\b patch \s+ (\S+) //x
331 0 0 if ($conf->{'config'}{'perl_patchlevel'} =~ /^git\w*-([^-]+)/i)
346 0 0 if ($pv =~ /^Summary of my\s+(\S+)\s+\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)/m)
349 0 0 if $rev =~ s/^ revision \s+ (\S+) \s*//x
350 0 0 if $rev
354 0 0 if defined $vers and defined $subvers and defined $rel
357 0 0 if ($pv =~ /^\s+(Snapshot of:)\s+(\S+)/)
364 0 0 unless $pv =~ s/, \s* $k \s*=\s* (.*) \s*$//mx
371 0 0 if (my(%kv) = $pv =~ /\b (\w+) # key \s*= # assign ( '\s*[^']*?\s*' # quoted value | \S+[^=]*?\s*\n # unquoted running till end of line | \S+ # unquoted value | \s*\n # empty ) (?:,?\s+|\s*\n)? # separator (5.8.x reports did not have a ',' /gx)
386 0 0 if $v =~ /^'(.*)'$/
395 0 0 if $pv =~ /^\s+Compiled at\s+(.*)/m
397 0 0 if $pv =~ /^\s+Locally applied patches:(?:\s+|\n)(.*?)(?:[\s\n]+Buil[td] under)/ms
399 0 0 if $pv =~ /^\s+Compile-time options:(?:\s+|\n)(.*?)(?:[\s\n]+(?:Locally applied|Buil[td] under))/ms
403 0 0 if $pv =~ /^\s+Built under\s+(.*)/m
421 0 0 unless ref $conf eq 'HASH' and exists $conf->{'config'} and exists $conf->{'build'} and ref $conf->{'config'} eq 'HASH' and ref $conf->{'build'} eq 'HASH'
424 0 0 exists $conf->{'config'}{$_} ? :
439 0 0 unless my $conf = summary(shift())
442 0 0 if $@
449 0 0 defined $conf->{$_} ? :
455 0 0 ref $args eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 0 ref $args eq 'HASH' ? :
462 0 0 if (defined $stamp) { }
481 0 0 if $args{'env'}