Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 92 102 90.2

line true false branch
44 1 18 if ($key eq 'tests') { }
18 0 elsif ($key eq 'import') { }
48 0 18 unless $value
62 0 619 if $escape == $ESCAPE_NONE
66 58 561 if ($escape == $ESCAPE_NAMES) { }
445 116 elsif ($escape == $ESCAPE_CODES) { }
58 58 elsif ($escape == $ESCAPE_NON_PRINTABLE) { }
69 38 0 $name ? :
86 1 420 if length $str > 55 and not $arg{'full_text'}
94 0 223 unless (defined $val)
98 183 40 if ($pretty eq $val and not $val =~ /'/) { }
40 0 elsif (not $pretty =~ /"/) { }
116 164 34 $arg{'match'} ? :
122 24 174 if ($arg{'show_line'})
144 24 174 if ($upgrade and $upgrade == 2 || !utf8::is_utf8($subject) && $subject =~ /[\x80-\xFF]/) { }
24 150 elsif ($downgrade and $downgrade == 2 || utf8::is_utf8($subject) && $subject =~ /[\x80-\xFF]/ && !($subject =~ /[^\x00-\xFF]/)) { }
147 24 0 if (utf8::upgrade($subject_utf8))
159 24 0 if (utf8::downgrade($subject_non_utf8))
208 39 159 defined $arg{'reason'} ? :
211 36 162 defined $arg{'test'} ? :
217 1 197 $arg{'no_keep_message'} ? :
229 70 47 if (ref $capture eq 'ARRAY') { }
251 4 194 if defined $todo
261 134 112 if ($match and defined $pattern)
263 116 18 ref $pattern ? :
273 3 131 unless ($Test->ok($result, $comment))
286 22 109 unless ($Test->is_eq($&, $subject, "${__}match is complete"))
293 4 105 unless $Test->is_eq(scalar @+, 1, "${__}no numbered captures")
296 2 107 unless $Test->is_eq($named_matches, 0, "${__}no named captures")
303 82 164 if ($match and defined $keep_pattern)
305 68 14 ref $keep_pattern ? :
341 2 80 unless ($Test->ok($result, $comment))
373 6 74 unless ($Test->is_eq($amp, $subject, "${__}match is complete"))
387 95 2 $minus{$key} ? :
7 90 unless $Test->is_eq($minus{$key} ? $minus{$key}[$i] : undef, $value->[$i], "$__\$- {$key} [$i] " . mess($value->[$i], 'full_text', $full_text, 'escape', $escape))
394 2 91 unless $minus{$key}
90 3 @$value == 1 ? :
4 89 unless $Test->is_num(scalar @{[] unless $minus{$key};}, scalar @$value, "$__${__}capture '${key}' has " . (@$value == 1 ? '1 match' : @$value . ' matches'))
402 2 72 unless $Test->is_num(scalar keys %minus, scalar keys %$named_captures, $__ . scalar(keys %$named_captures) . ' named capture groups')
414 8 118 unless $Test->is_eq($numbered_matches[$i], $numbered_captures->[$i], "$__\$" . ($i + 1) . ' ' . mess($numbered_captures->[$i], 'full_text', $full_text, 'escape', $escape))
422 4 70 @$numbered_captures == 1 ? :
5 69 unless $Test->is_num(scalar @numbered_matches, scalar @$numbered_captures, $__ . (@$numbered_captures == 1 ? '1 numbered capture group' : @$numbered_captures . ' numbered capture groups'))
433 33 213 if (not $match and defined $pattern)
435 26 7 ref $pattern ? :
440 3 30 unless $Test->ok(!$r || $subject ne $&, $comment)
443 1 245 if (not $match and defined $keep_pattern)
445 1 0 ref $keep_pattern ? :
451 0 1 unless $Test->ok(!$r || $subject ne $&, $comment)
456 4 194 if defined $todo
511 2 17 if exists $arg{'tags'}
540 15 7 @_ % 2 ? :