Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 21 66.6

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
77 1 1 0 $Test->ok(scalar grep({$item eq $_;} @$list), $desc) || $Test->diag(" $item is not in (@$list)")
122 20 16 0 $Test->ok(&$function($item, $lower) > -1 && &$function($item, $upper) < 1, $desc) || $Test->diag(" $item not between $lower and $upper")
140 1 1 0 $Test->ok(&_length('<', $item, $limit), $desc) || $Test->diag(" length of $item not less than $limit")
157 2 1 0 $Test->ok(&_length('<=', $item, $limit), $desc) || $Test->diag(" length of $item not less than or equal to $limit")
174 1 1 0 $Test->ok(&_length('==', $item, $limit), $desc) || $Test->diag(" length of $item not equal to $limit")
191 2 1 0 $Test->ok(&_length('>=', $item, $limit), $desc) || $Test->diag(" length of $item not greater than or equal to $limit")
208 1 1 0 $Test->ok(&_length('>', $item, $limit), $desc) || $Test->diag(" length of $item not greater than $limit")