Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 68 66.1

line true false branch
32 1 0 unless $Test->has_plan
103 0 12 if exists $opts{"test_$test"}
106 0 1 if exists $opts{$opt}
109 1 0 if exists $opts{'all_tests'}
117 0 50 if ($options{'use_file_find'}) { }
119 0 0 if $_ eq 'File::Spec'->curdir or $_ eq 'pm_to_blib'
123 0 0 if $firstdir eq 'blib' or $firstdir eq '_build'
152 50 0 if ($tests{'ansi_chars'})
153 4 46 unless /^[A-Za-z0-9._][A-Za-z0-9._-]*$/
157 50 0 if ($tests{'windows_reserved'})
159 3 47 if $file_name =~ /^(CON|PRN|AUX|NUL|COM[1-9]|LPT[1-9])(\..*)*$/i
163 50 0 if ($tests{'one_dot'})
164 2 48 if tr/.// > 1
168 50 0 if ($tests{'special_chars'})
170 1 49 if m<[!"#\$%&'\(\)\*\+/:;<>\?@\[\\\]^`\{\|\}~]>
174 50 0 if ($tests{'space'})
175 1 49 if / /
179 18 32 if ($tests{'mac_length'})
180 4 14 if length $_ > 31
184 18 32 if ($tests{'amiga_length'})
185 1 17 if length $_ > 107
189 50 0 if ($tests{'vms_length'})
191 3 47 unless length $file_name <= 39 and length $file_ext <= 40
195 18 32 if ($tests{'dos_length'})
197 7 11 unless length $file_name <= 8 and length $file_ext <= 4
201 50 0 if ($tests{'case'})
202 1 49 if (not $lc_names{$file} and $lc_names{lc $file}) { }
212 50 0 if ($tests{'symlink'})
213 0 50 if -l $file
217 50 0 if ($tests{'dir_noext'})
218 1 49 if -d $file and tr/.// > 0
226 0 1 if ($options{'use_file_find'}) { }
240 0 1 if (keys %$bad_names) { }
246 0 0 unless ref $errors_list{$error}